General Discussion / Re: My childhood friend is riding his bicycle from Jacksonville, Florida to Alaska
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:53:38 am »I got chills reading this! You hit the nail right on the head with every sentence! Would love to read more of your thoughts. Your encouragement, positivity, and belief is worth more than you know. Thank you.
I didn't go through enough of the kids videos to see what his home life is like, what he was leaving behind, his hopes in this, etc... to speak enough for him. If he was a black kid in the hood, I would say, "Right on!"
This inspired me to try and convince him to get more personal with the audience. I think this is very important. We talked last night and he asked me if I watched his most recent video. I admittedly said I buffered through a majority of it. I don't want to see sped up montages of him riding his bicycle on a highway. I'm here for the struggle. The relent. The inspiration. To live vicariously through his unconformity, adventure, and unknowing of what's to come. To know how that person was brought up would bring a deeper level of attraction to the character. Thank you for that.
As far as my idea...there are thousands of people doing what he is doing right now just more supported, and lucky enough to have marketable skills to self support like typical tech nomad life folks can do because of their own luck of being born into better opportunities and education. They have gofundme and other crowd sourcing methods available to them also.
Not to mention seeing a community that praises so much on the kindness and hospitality of others throughout the world allegedly, even with forums, blogs, and articles dedicated to such things, and then profiting off of those stories in their own crowd sourcing, donations, etc... it would be nice to see folks utilize technology in other ways of doing cool things collectively and coming up with ideas that haven't been done before and giving opportunities to folks that might not get them normally.
The conversation of how to gain more subscribers came about last night as well. He dreams to obtain a large audience, inspire them to think outside of the box, and teach them that they don't have to settle. Not to have the biggest donations. As my contribution I decided to take it upon myself to blindly reach out to different bicycle and travel forums as the first steps in hopes to find a target audience to watch his videos. My foot is in the door and I hope to open more avenues and have more conversations with people like you.
Maybe he is the next up and coming gets him a touring bike, and we turn him into the next "Human Abroad" kind of thing. He youtubes all of it, ends up touring all over the world, donations and some kind of a lotto system to where his next place to discover is, send his personality in to talk with folks and the locals, and as he grows and rises, more and more opportunities and doors open for him. Now it turns into a small production company and website. He has a couple of people employed, including himself, and I would say more wisdom and skills to last a couple of lifetimes of how to figure things out eventually.
Now that's a dream I'd like to be a part of. I believe he's 100% capable of making that happen.
Or...maybe he just gets blessed with a bike out of it and ends up riding his entire life and somehow that opened a door up for him along the way even if just spiritually. But more importantly, the community comes together and does something it never did before, and then people see how cool of an idea or event it was, and people in the community become inspired to do other things or even bigger ideas collectively to bless, help, support folks, or just because they can and it was fun to watch and be a part of.