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Messages - laminico

Pages: [1]
Rocky Mountain / Crossing the Rockies in the North?
« on: June 28, 2009, 09:27:55 am »
Hey ! I am riding across America... got to Iowa City so far and I am wondering which route would be best to cross the Rockies. As I am heading to San Francisco, I do not want to take a route that is too north (as suggested by one of the ACA maps). Yet the south route thru Colorado and Nevada should be too hot.

I am therefore looking for advice for a route across Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon (then I make a left towards San Francisco). Thx !

Routes / NYC to SF - Best route over the rockies?
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:51:59 pm »
Hi, I am a week away from starting my ride from NYC to San Francisco. I plan to head for the Niagara Falls, then Detroit, and move onto the plains of the mid-west. My concern is more about the Rocky mountains. I'm looking for an "easy" and rather safe route towards San Francisco, presumably from either Denver or Salt Lake City. Any idea or advice?

-- Nicolas

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