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Messages - stealthdachshund

Pages: [1]
Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Slidell to Poplarville
« on: October 09, 2023, 11:56:05 am »
Thanks John!

I did exactly that, and sadly we can't bike through the Space Centre, so we're gonna go the long route!

Connecting ACA Routes / Slidell to Poplarville
« on: September 03, 2023, 03:51:45 pm »
Hi bike chums!

We're trying to connect from Slidell to Poplarville, and I'm looking for local advice.

I was thinking we'd cross the Old Pearl on 90, then go up 607, but I don't know if we can get through the Space Centre on that route. Then we'd go up 11 or old 11 all the way to Poplarville then we're back on the route.

Any thoughts or concerns would be gratefully received!

Routes / Re: Big Bend National Park (Southern Tier)
« on: November 05, 2019, 11:43:14 pm »
We were headed East, on this one, and we missed Marfa... but I'll be back. That place sounds too neat to miss!

Routes / Big Bend National Park (Southern Tier)
« on: November 05, 2019, 11:38:27 pm »
We get to the gate of Big Bend, and the grumpiest staff-person I've ever met says 'Park's Full" and it's 60 miles back to Alpine TX, and we're tired. But then he says "If you go to the National Park Service Office, you might get a back-country pass, but they're not supposed to give them out anymore"

So hearts in hand, and water bottles rattling in the cages, we head for the National Park Service Office. And the amazing lady there, Annette, gets us a pass for Zone 112 of the Big Bend National Park and we camp there in the full moon and it's about the most beautiful thing we've ever seen.

So.  I wrote a song.

"Annette of the NPS,
You saved us from homelessness
Your auburn hair,
your charm, so rare,
Annette of the NPS.

Annette of the NPS,
You relieved our hopelessness,
Larry at the gate,
said we were too late,
We knew we were in a mess

Annette of the NPS,
Docent of helpfulness
You found us a site
in the Chihuahua night,
A vista of loveliness

Annette of the NPS,
Our love for you we profess
Though we may wander
of no one we're fonder,
than Annette of the NPS."

Food Talk / Langtry Stew Recipe
« on: July 02, 2019, 08:05:07 pm »
Start with 1 cup water and 1 can chicken broth
Boil and add 1 handful of rice
Add "more than one pinch" of red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, oregano
Add 1 box of rice-a-roni angel hair pasta, broken in half
Boil again
Add 1 can of chicken breast chunks
Add 1/2 can of lite spam, cubed
Add 3 single serving cups of sweet corn
Add 1 pack spicy and sweet tuna flakes
Add 1 pack of wild caught sardines in olive oil and herbes de provence
Add one pack herring fillets
Add more red pepper chili flakes out of spite
Simmer on lawn of Langtry Community Centre for 10 minutes.

Serves 3.

If you have trouble finding the ingredients, just beg them off of passing RVs because the store is closed. 'Cause that's what we did!

Routes / Re: A sad song of the Southern Tier
« on: May 28, 2019, 09:16:41 pm »
I would be honoured!

This is amazing. Spoken like a true bicycle traveler.

Would you mind if we posted this to the Adventure Cycling Facebook page? I think our followers would get a kick out of it. No worries if not, though!

Jessica Z
Inbound Marketing
Adventure Cycling Association

Routes / Re: A sad song of the Southern Tier
« on: May 25, 2019, 11:58:13 am »

A happy ending!

Routes / A sad song of the Southern Tier
« on: May 23, 2019, 11:23:02 pm »
(with apologies to the Irish Rovers, and to Lordsburg, NM)

O there's nothing so lonesome,
So morbid by far
As to stay in the KOA,
of a town with no bar.

Greybeard, our leader, he thinks it is Lent
He's gone home cold sober, to sleep in his tent
No bikers will gather, from near or from far
to hear all our tales, in a town with no bar

Our pacer's from Sweden, he eats a whole bunch
Eight enchiladas and that's just for lunch
But he won't touch a bite, not even a Clif Bar
When faced the horror of a town with no bar

Our cook, he's a lawyer and he's on the case,
Gathering evidence from residents we face.
But the local Judge laughs, out loud, HAR DEE HAR
Your objections' not granted, in a town with no bar

A new friend, from Belgium, fallen in with our crew
Carries all his possessions in a panier or two.
But his longing for travel sleeping under the stars
melts like cheese in the desert in a town with no bar.

O there's nothing so lonesome,
So morbid by far
As to stay in the KOA,
of a town with no bar.

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