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Messages - tdelker

Pages: [1]
When we came through a week ago it was not a problem other than smoke near wise river for a few miles.

My opinion - it’s worth taking the main route as long as they don’t close the pioneer highway.

Thanks so much! We will be going on this section leaving butte on Thimirsday morning so will be monitoring road closures

Is there a reason it chumps on and off the highway and doesn’t follow the frontage road the whole way from Divide to Dillion?  It looks like a good option depending on traffic. Google maps bike directions puts you on the highway the whole way for some reason.



Routes / Re: Heading on GDMBR July 2nd start in Eureka for 6 weeks
« on: July 06, 2021, 09:06:18 am »
Lodging has been expensive and scarce so far. In big fork tonight at timber motel. Wish the map/info was more clear about if there are biker/hike sites at some campgrounds. Would have stayed at whitefish campground if we hd known

Next stretch is hard. Holland lodge is full for rooms and restaurant  but we are going to try for the campground there. Hope they don’t turn us away!

Probably camp in seeley too unless we can find a room when we get there. Dont want to book without knowing we can make the next set of tough miles.

Routes / Heading on GDMBR July 2nd start in Eureka for 6 weeks
« on: June 29, 2021, 05:30:48 pm »
We are headed out for 6 weeks. Starting July 2nd in Eureka and heading south as far as we can get. Hoping to make it to Yellowstone. Four of us out there (Myself, wife, 14 year old son, almost 12 year old daughter who will have a birthday on the trail!). Wish us luck!

Anyone have feedback on lodging challenges this year? Hopefully we will find places. Was considering if we get in trouble with finding commercial, but suspect that will be tough with 4 of us.

Keeping a blog if you want to follow:



GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: GPX included in Map/Guidebook?
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:30:19 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. Agreed I want the GPX data. Maps are easier to plan with.

Hoping Canada will open up for us! Otherwise starting at Roosville! It will be quite an adventure, with our 12 yo (will turn 13 on the trip and 14 yo! Super excited!


GPS & Digital Data Discussion / GPX included in Map/Guidebook?
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:08:27 pm »
Bought the GDMBR guidebook and maps. Other european books I've gotten included a link for GPX data, but I couldn't find one for these.

Does that mean I need to purchase the GPX data separately? Shoot! Seems like I've already paid for the underlying information.



Routes / Re: GDBMR - How to get to start?
« on: February 09, 2021, 01:26:17 pm »
Thanks! Yes, it's the price part that I'm working on!

Appreciate the suggestions!

The only non-stop flight is united. Not a bike friendly airline! Alaska has a connection through seattle.


Routes / Re: GDBMR - How to get to start?
« on: February 08, 2021, 05:16:04 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion.  Some more details:
1) Looking to start in Jasper
2) There will be 4 of us!

Just started to look at flying with the bikes, seems possible. I've avoided it up until now, but this trip might require it.


Routes / GDBMR - How to get to start?
« on: February 08, 2021, 04:49:00 pm »
Hi All,

Hoping the Canada boarder will open this summer.

How do others get to Jasper? We live an colorado and was wondering if anyone has ever rented a one way car, and if so, by whom? 22 hr drive... Long, but not undoable.



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