General Discussion / Re: List of reasons why you should not cycle the Transam bicycle route.
« on: June 22, 2021, 11:12:16 am »Because there are grizzlies in Yellowstone.
Because a psychopath is going to murder you in your tent.
Because there is no food available except for gas station taquitos.
Because the back roads are too hilly.
Because the ACA route is not the shortest way between points.
Because it will be too cold.
Because it will be too hot.
Because it will rain on you.
Because the dogs in Kentucky and Missouri will rip your legs off.
Because the Cookie Lady is gone.
Because the coal trucks in Kentucky will knock you off the road.
Because you will end up in jail in Farmington.
The jails are full in Farmington. They are not accepting any new accounts. So just remove that from your list.