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Messages - Maurice

Pages: [1]
Has anyone considered using any gravel/dirt roads to bypass the closure?  I've plotted this out on ridewithgps, but 1) I'm not 100% sure where the closure is, so I don't know if this is reconnecting with Hwy 1 (heading south) south of the closure and 2) I can't be totally sure that these roads are public, though in my experience ridewithgps usually won't let me plot a route on closed/private roads.

Classifieds / Wanted: Bikepacking tent
« on: January 28, 2022, 04:35:16 pm »
Looking for a lightly used Sierra Designs High Side 1 or a Big Agnes Fly Creek HV UL1 Bikepack.

Routes / Pacific Coast
« on: October 01, 2021, 12:41:51 pm »
I'd like to do the Pacific Coast as my first long distance bike tour.  I'm not constrained by the calendar, so I'm wondering what would be the best time of year to do this?  I was thinking May or September - outside the rainy season, and before or after the summer hordes on Highway 1.  I would be traveling N to S. Thoughts?

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