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Messages - Bruce Squire

Pages: [1]
California / Re: San Diego to Tuscon
« on: October 28, 2021, 02:11:35 pm »
DJ -  The ACA Southern Tier route  (ST)  will probably be your best bet, with one modification.  The route now goes through Yuma instead of Blythe, which is better for getting to Tucson.  The one modification would be from Gila Bend to Tucson.  That is  2 days for most people with a stop in a Casa Grande.  April can get quite warm in the desert, which is almost the entire route.  You may just need to start early each day.  I live in Arizona and travel to San Diego often.  I'm also a Warmshowers host and meet a lot of ST cyclists.  Most people take 7  - 8 days to travel between Tucson and San Diego. There was a coast to coast group called Bubbas Pampered Peddlers that followed the modified ST route between San Diego for many years.  You may want to look at the CGOAB website for trip journals of those folks to see their impression of the route.  Feel free to contact me if you have other route questions.

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