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Messages - Ingo Tophoven

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Re: Pre-Built wheel with dynamo for Trek 520
« on: June 08, 2022, 03:33:02 pm »
Thank you, Ray!

Gear Talk / Re: Bar talk
« on: June 07, 2022, 09:19:45 pm »
I am testing out Jones bar this June when leaving to finish the TransAmerica I started in 2020. I will post some videos or experiences as I go along. I am already thinking that at my age, the issue is being more upright rather than where I can put my hands. :)

Gear Talk / Pre-Built wheel with dynamo for Trek 520
« on: June 07, 2022, 09:17:03 pm »
Hey there. I am leaving on June 20th to finish the TransAmerica I started with my son in 2020. I really would like a prebuilt wheel with dynamo for my 2015 Trek 520, since building one is not possible in such a short time. (Don't ask why I did not do this way before). Any ideas where to best get such a pre-built wheel with a dynamo already in it so my local bike shop can just put it on? I prefer not to use Amazon (did not see anything there).

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