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Messages - lucagoes

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: May 03, 2023, 09:59:10 am »
Thank you Yamawani, Now I'm in Warmshowers, it's seems to be really great. In the meanwhile I'm on youtube too, nut only in italian. If you like to know me, this is the link to my first introductive video: In some days I will publish the second one
Can you tell me something about an app with meteo alarm in case of storm and tornadoes?

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 29, 2023, 11:31:35 am »
Of course I'll stop myself before 8 pm, in any case i will choose or book my accomodation every day in the morning.
Yes, I've a route and I know every motel along the route (by google and booking), but I'm joinig in warmshowers too,
Anyway if I'll spend 130/140$ per day instead 90/100, I can survive, the most important thing is that I can cycle all the route to San Francisco.
In some days I will post my route from New Jersey to California.

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 28, 2023, 07:44:15 am »
Thank you very much for your suggestions, about budget I'm checking motel-prices and I hope to remain under 100$almost everywhere. More, I can have hostels in Philadelphia, South Lake Tahoe and, of course, San Francisco, reducing in this way my outcomings.
Anyway I'll spend what I will have to spend.
About tent, I'm  not practical with camping, I'm afraid to have only more kilos. I realized a motel road book, and I can verify every accomodation one or two days before.
At last, budget will be a problem, but the biggest problem will be my legs...

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 23, 2023, 04:13:45 pm »
Thanks a lot Jamawani, for your suggestions, I'll surely write to you by email in the next days.
Il tuo italiano è molto buono, ma qui preferisco scrivere in inglese per esercitarmi e per farmi capire da tutti...

Now I know my budget is understimated, but this is the trip of my life, if I will have to spend more, I will do.
In my road-book Mount Evans day will be about june 20th, I only can hope the best, but, first of all, I hope to really arrive in Idaho Springs, not easy to do.
About storms, I hope to have a good weather forecast service. If motels are so expensive I hope they also can resist to a strong storm.
I know my dream has a lot of challenges and it's not easy to realize, I'm coming just to try. If you don't try, you don't know...
But, who is Dorotea?

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 23, 2023, 02:00:38 am »
Thank you very much for all your suggestion, I'm noting everything. In this period I'm testing myself with 500 miles in 5 days, and so I'm not so present here, sorry...
What about weather forecast and tornado-alert?, on my phone I have Windy app, do I need something else?
About lock and chains I don't think to carry anything like these. I will be aware when I'll stop in supermarket or bar-restaurant, What do you think about?

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 18, 2023, 08:46:18 am »
Thanks a lot for suggestions, anyway my budget is about 50/60 dollars for the room and 30 for food.
I will have a bivvy sack
I'll follow aca maps in the first three days and in the last week. In the middle I have a self made road book through little town or villages, and I'm building a motel road book, searching on google mile after mile ::)
if you want I'm already on instagram: but sorry, I write in italian

General Discussion / Re: Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 18, 2023, 04:39:43 am »
Hello, thanks for your welcome ;)
My actual plan is to cycle about 3200 miles in 38/42 days on a road bike in a light mode, with only 10 kilos of baggage (no camp, only hostels or motels). I hope to have 33/35 cycling days and 4/5 resting days. I also hope to have one day to try the Mount Evans climb, from Idaho Springs.
My first question is about accomodation, I'm realizing there are very few hostels, and motel prices are getting higher, also because I'm alone in a room. My budget is 50/60 dollars per night, better less.
 There is an app or a website where I can find low cost accomodations? Now I'm using airb&b, google, booking and hostelworld. There is a place where I can ask for ospitality (ex churches, parishes, or other places)?
Second question is about interstate:  :-\I think it will be impossible avoid them in a few stretches: 5 miles in Colorado, from Glenwood Springs to Chacra, two 10 miles stretches in Utah, after Fruita-Loma and before Thompson Springs. At last 45 miles from Green River (always Utah) I think that stretches are not forbidden, but I'm afraid they could be dangerous. Which precautions I can have?
I also hope to cycle Us50, "the loneliest road in america". Other dangers there? ::)

General Discussion / Hello, I'm coming
« on: April 17, 2023, 07:03:38 am »
Hello my new friends, first of all sorry for my really poor english ::) ::)
I'm writing from Italy, I'm 63 years old and at last, after three years of waiting, next may 26th I'll start for the trip of my life: an attempt to solo coast to coast from Asbury Park NY, to San Francisco.
I began to think about this trip since 2008, after my "Mille Miglia Italia", a thousand miles randonnee, but my job was too immersive :'( :'( and i had to put away my hope. In 2017 I decided I could do the big step in 2020, and at the beginning of that year everything was ready (included Aca inscription and Aca Maps 8) 8)), but Covid 19 broken my dream.
Now I'm just retired and I'm ready to start, :D :D my flight will land in New York May 26th.
If it's not a disturb for you, in the next days I will write some questions, or doubts, or problems to solve, and if someone of you will have answers or ideas or suggestion, I'll be very grateful. ;) ;)

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