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Messages - 4eyes

Pages: [1]
Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Transamerica E-W but ending in Seattle
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:58:08 pm »
Thanks Bob, that's a perfect answer and so helpful, us Brits are overwhelmed by the help within the AAC, if the Transam ride goes well, I can see us looking for the next route to enjoy.

Thanks again much appreciated,

Take Care, Michael

Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Transamerica E-W but ending in Seattle
« on: May 02, 2010, 10:45:29 am »
Thanks to everyone, for responding with advice, you guys are so helpful, only 3 weeks to go and can't wait, Take Care, Michael

Connecting ACA Routes / Transamerica E-W but ending in Seattle
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:52:21 am »
Hi, We are setting off on East to West Transamerica and have the ACA Maps, however we need to end in Seattle. Can anybody help with the deviation from the TA to finish ther please ? Many Thanks, Michael

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Reduced waypoint data for Garmin
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:26:04 am »
Hi, i have all the maps and will be starting an E-W Transamerica starting in mid may. Then i thought i may take the GarminGPSMAP 60csx with the downloaded maps/routes/waypoints from this site. Having read all the relevant posts on this forum, i now understand that to get the whole route on the device is impossible as the waypoint memory is too small. I will not be taking a computer so uploading bits as i go is not really an option. I'm not really confident to start deleting waypoints to get the size down as i'm not sure whats important and whats not.

Simple but cheeky question, has anyone already done this and if so would they be willing to share the file with me? My intention is to use the GPS more as backup and use the excellent maps as the primary guide.

Hope someone can help, Michael

General Discussion / Re: Tramsamerica bike shop, East start
« on: February 06, 2010, 12:26:50 pm »
Thanks for advice, have contacted Bikes Unlimited and they are just what we need and have agreed to receive the bikes.

General Discussion / Tramsamerica bike shop, East start
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:05:17 pm »
Hi All

2 Brits coming to attempt the transamerica in May from the east (Yorktown). We will be shipping the bikes and wonder if anyone could recommend a bike shop near the start so we have them received and assembled and serviced read for the start.

Appreciate any advice, Thanks

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