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Messages - DwarvenChef

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Gear Talk / Re: Touring Bike Selection
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:19:15 am »
I tested the Surly LHT when I lived in Fresno CA, and was immediately hooked on it. I had the same trouble with test riding the others as none of the shops even had contacts for these bikes. I was measured and put an order in for the Disc Trucker and was very pleased that it came in with the correct build for me. I've had it for two years and would buy it again if anything were to happen to it.

Can't say much about off road with my bike as I don't go off road if I can help it. Maintained dirt roads I don't consider off road :p

Gear Talk / Re: Gloves
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:30:37 am »
After several online disasters I now hit any shop that has gloves and try them on.

My last pair has lasted 2 years, Pearl Izumi, and my wife still loves hers from PI so I'll be trying them again if their quality remains good :)

General Discussion / Re: New BOB trailer owner observations
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:26:07 am »
We got our BoB a few years ago and have used it more for shopping than touring :p I've had 100 lbs in it and that's the reason I no longer have an aluminum frame bike YIKES!!! I got my Disc Trucker and have not been disappointed ever with the trailer.

Thanks for the idea of the kick stand on the trailer, I was working on a couple drop bars to stabilize the front of the trailer. I'll see about chopping up an old kicker and see what happens.

General Discussion / Re: Touring issues with Fibromyalgia?
« on: June 07, 2015, 05:03:08 am »
From my limited experience guys seem to have an (seemingly) easier time with Fibro in that we don't get an all around pain issue, more of targeted repeat pain. Some times I can block out that area and adjust how I move to limit it's effect, other times I'm just toast and have to ride it out... I'm allergic to most pain pills so I get to play "Grin and Bear it" most of the time anyhow do I figure once I get used to riding again I'll be fine. Currently I'm pushing the pain as far as I can to attempt something that resembles a work out...

Falling from a daily ride of 20+ miles a day to only riding half a mile every other day... takes a bit of wind out of my sails but I have redoubled my reserve to not turn into a quivering lump (my path these past couple years...). My bike saved me two years ago when this all started, being in good shape kept me from heart failure, and I believe it will save me from a sedentary and sickly future....

Gear Talk / Re: Front Rack Decisions
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:51:42 am »
After having cheap racks I will never own a cheap rack again. Welds popped and tubes cracked with next to no weight on them, note books for class...

I have Jendd rear racks on our current bikes and they have stood up to some crazy weight, daily shopping runs and such. On my bike, Disc Trucker, I could only get the Surly front rack to fit around the disc brakes and it has also held up well with a #8 Lodge Dutch Oven and kitchen gear in the panniers.

Lately I have not been able to ride much but I'm working on getting better control of my condition. My wife and I plan on touring once that happens and my current weight ration is 60/40 back to front, but that will be altered as the trail dictates. We also have a BoB trailer and both bikes are set up with the hook up so we can also trade off back and forth as needed to allow for good and bad days.

I'll also be following this topic to see how others distribute weight :)

General Discussion / Touring issues with Fibromyalgia?
« on: June 05, 2015, 11:44:26 pm »
Dealing with fibromyalgia for 2 years now and I'm not willing to give the issue of touring yet, not by a long shot.

Is there anyone else out there dealing with a chronic pain issue and finding ways to tour anyhow?

My Doc's all say getting out and exercising is good so I'm working my butt off (feels like it as well) to get back into riding shape. In a few months my wife will have her new touring bike and I want to be ready to ride what she's used to her bike.

Gear Talk / Wife looking to get new bike LHT/Disc or 520
« on: June 03, 2015, 05:58:20 am »
My wife is looking at a new bike and has narrowed it down to ether a Trek 520 or a Surly LHT. Disc brakes seem high on her list as she really likes my Disc Trucker.

I really like my Surly and would buy it again if I had to so I'm not to worried about the OoB build from Surly but I have no clue about the Modern Trek 520. Does the modern Trek stand up to the vintage 520's reputation?

She will be getting one or the other new in box and built at the local shop. Anything critically wrong with current out of box builds?

Gear Talk / Re: How heavy is your touring bike (unloaded)?
« on: May 18, 2015, 08:27:02 pm »
Surly Disc Trucker base 28lbs, with racks, peddles, and other mounting gear just over 32lbs.  I ride it all the time in this configuration and just have to drop on the bags and a trailer and I'm off.... or I would be if I could ride currently...

Gear Talk / Ice Recumbent Trike
« on: May 14, 2015, 06:31:16 pm »
After reading through ( ) the previous Trike post I figured I'd start a new one.

I have Fibromyalgia and a "healing" pinched nerve in my lower back and an energy/endurance issue that crashed on me a couple years ago. Untill I crashed I had set up my Surly Disc Trucker completely with touring gear. Now days I don't have the long term stability to tour on two wheels (yet...). I've been looking at the Ice Adventurer HD (I'm 6'1") with the larger rear tire. However I'm not able to navigate hills like I used to and have been looking at the electric assist motor to help out. Untill I collapsed I would have NEVER thought about a powered assist but after 2 years of not getting any better I have had to look at the reality of it, thus if I can't do it on 2 wheels I'll frigging get it done on 3 :p

I thought I saw a tadpole style trike with a commonly seen (around here) rear wheel hub motor set up to assist on hills and that's when it hit me that I needed to really look into this. I may yet be able to tour again with a trike :)

Any help figuring out the plausibility of this project would be great :)

Anyone using electric assist?

Has anyone had en electric assist added to a bike after market?

How is the reliability of electric assist motors?

Been a member for a good number of years (6-8 years I forget) and I'm not giving up, not by a long shot...

General Discussion / Re: Moving back to Santa Barbara, CA. ugh
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:25:52 am »
LOL I'm more interested in moving North, I keep getting dragged south. Plus the cost of living in SB is insane, so ugh...

But yes the climate there is fantastic.

General Discussion / Moving back to Santa Barbara, CA. ugh
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:29:46 pm »
On the up side I will be leaving the central valley very soon :) I want to move north but SB is better than Fresno :)

I've been away from Santa Barbara sense '86 and only visited a few times sense then, I know I'm in for a shock... I'd love to hear from others that live and ride/tour in the area. I "live" on my bike having given up on driving the car just over a year ago and would be just as happy to not have to use it again :)

Having rediscovered cycling this late in life I'm trying to catch up on lost time LOL I rode my bike everywhere when I lived in SB the last time. All I know now is that the hills are going to be a challenge. It's flat out here in the central valley with few hills in my path.

Commuting and touring are my main focus, off road doesn't do anything for me. I'd like to see some of the old mountain roads I used to drive around in my youth, well I'm not that old but the millage this body has racked up... I feel it LOL

Gear Talk / Re: Surly Disc Trucker v. LHT
« on: February 21, 2013, 04:59:34 pm »
4 mo's ago I picked up a DT, upgrading from a Trek 7100... Ya big upgrade :p  I don't have a front rack yet but carry a bit of weight up front daily and have not had trouble with pulling to the right yet.

I stopped driving a year ago for health reasons and really have no intention to going back to the car untill I can't peddle anylonger :p I use a BOB and rear paniers for shopping and all so while I have not put out very long rides, just local overnights, I have clocked 2k miles already. But my area is farking flat land... I'll be moving to Santa Barbara soon and look forward to all my old stomping grounds :)

I have not seen or played with the LHT yet but I would like to just to feel the difference myself. I went with the DT because I have some long downhill rides planned and after seeing a bike blow out on 154 due to rim fatigue... Ya I just feel better with the disc breaks :)

California / Redding to Eurika Hwy 299?
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:39:49 pm »
Planning our summer trip and would like some on the ground info about the route from Redding to Eurika on Hwy 299, Camping, Sites, Road conditions the works.  We are planning on taking a week long through the area. Also if there is an alternate route other than 299 that would be better suited to bike touring :)

I wish it could be longer trip but we are working on a negative budget :p so we are trying to avoid hotels...

Any help from thos that have been there :) would be great.

Routes / Re: Level of ability vs routes
« on: November 05, 2010, 04:07:54 pm »
I do have an over night planned this christmas, we are riding up to my folks ranch. it's about 50 miles from here on the route we will be taking. It's a training run as much as a fact finding run with all our gear. This will also let us all know what it feels like to ride there and back the next day. We are also camping out in the field as if in a campground. I'm really looking forward to it and so is my wife, my daughter seems indiferent to the ride but really wants to be out there to take pictures, shes a budding photographer :) at 14 she took some college classes on photography and won awards at the state fair :) :) :) I'm hoping that motovation will keep her going for this :)

Routes / Level of ability vs routes
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:34:12 pm »
For the past couple months I have been planning a tour over parts of the Seirra Cascades route, Map #4 to be exact. After talking to a few people that have been on these roads, be it road bike or touring, have mentioned that these are not "novice" routes. While I believe I can handle them, I'm not so sure my wife and daughter will. I have the drive to do it and make this work, but they are only interested in getting out on their bikes for a stroll, any hard work may invoke a mutiny :p

I have voiced my concerns to the family and I'm getting mixed replies. So I started looking at alternat maped routes that would be best suited for novice levels in reasonable fitness (my daughter is not much for activity...) as I fear Monitor Pass would end the trip...

I'm looking at a few maps that could be interesting I have the #4 map in the Pacific route but my wife is not crazy about a bike on Hwy 1 :p We plan to drive out there and drive parts to see the road.

Our plan is to rent a van to get to the start point, so anything more than a day's drive from Fresno is not an option.

Any help would be great, the trip is planned for summer break, wife and daughter will both be out of school :)

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