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Messages - velose

Pages: [1]
Just wanted to give an update. I took skyline to Canada to the 84 to Old La Honda to La Honda down to the coast. Old La Honda was a beautiful, quiet climb but exhausting after riding all day. I ended up walking/riding it but I would still recommend this route from SFO. Not too much traffic, lots of other cyclist (not on tour but just on a ride) on the road and really beautiful scenery.

Thanks for the advice!

Routes / Re: Getting from SFO (San Francisco Aiport) To Half Moon Bay?
« on: April 21, 2010, 03:02:00 pm »
Thanks so much for the info! I don't need to be in Half Moon Bay I just thought it'd be a nice stop but I don't mind skipping it. I will do some research on these routes. Thanks again!

Routes / Getting from SFO (San Francisco Aiport) To Half Moon Bay?
« on: April 20, 2010, 08:52:23 pm »

I'm flying into SFO for my tour to San Diego. I'm choosing to skip devils slide and head straight to half moon bay from the airport. Are there any good routes? I've heard hwy 92 but are there any others? Any input or advice would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

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