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Messages - obinja

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Gear Talk / Re: Long distance tour bike for small lady
« on: February 27, 2017, 01:44:39 am »
Don't know if you found a bike yet. I'm touring on an extra small Surly Troll. It fits better than my gen 1 Salsa Fargo size small. I don't think it carries a very heavy load very well. Bit that's OK, my kit gets lighter all the time. "Fit" is some what subjective. The guy who resonded about stand over clearance not being as important for females is pretty typical. For me, fit is about comfort AND my sense of safety. The industry is a little slow to catch on. Women's bikes don't need to just be smaller. There is a whole different geometry to consider. Terry has the right idea but I found the guage of the tubing made for a flimsy feeling bike. I got the sense that her bikes are designed for credit card touring or organized tours where they carry your gear. And that style of riding is fine. It's not my cup of tea. I'm off pavement these days, carrying everything. Would love to know how it works out.

Gear Talk / Re: Trekking bars vs Jones H bar
« on: February 27, 2017, 01:29:25 am »
I actually like the idea of the Jones Bar.
But, as usual they are simply too wide for me. Yes, you cut the ends blah blah. And not only are they still too wide, I've also increased the reach. If he ever decises to actually design a narrower pair, I'll jump on them. I switched to a trekking bar for touring in Australia.
I'm not convinced yet of their efficacy for me yet, they feel ackward.

Classifieds / Wanted: Revelate Designs Nano panniers.
« on: February 26, 2017, 10:40:01 pm »
Looking for used or new Revelate nano panniers.  8)

Gear Talk / Cook stove for International travel
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:11:52 pm »
OK world travelers. What cook stoves are you using? I'm headed to Latin America for the winter and  want to
1. Lighten my load
2. Use a stove that has more availability of fuel.
I'm considering the alcohol stove, small, light and denatured alcohol is everywhere.
Thoughts, ideas, comments, warnings gladly accepted.
I await your wisdom.

Gear Talk / Re: Water Filtration
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:10:59 pm »
I rode the Western Express this summer and surface water can be rare. However, I carried a bottle filter that someone gave me. I'm glad I had it. It doubled as an extra water container (I was carrying as much s 2 gallons at time) and when I did find water I was glad to have a filter.
I have since switched to the Sawyer Mini. And that's after years in the back country with an MSR Sweet Water.
It can't hurt to carry something like a Sawyer. I also have an extra 1 liter Platypus. It's useful to have a cup or pot in order to fill the plastic bag bottles, the opening is really small.

International / Cycling out of the airport in Cancun.
« on: November 22, 2015, 09:22:30 pm »
Anyone have any experience cycling out of the airport in Cancun?

Gear Talk / Re: Packs and pack weight for long tours
« on: November 19, 2015, 04:26:11 pm »
Best general rule EVER for cycling, back packing and traveling. LESS IS MORE!
With the exception of the most basic tools and maybem MAYBE rain gear, if you have not used it in a week, DITCH IT! Unless you are going to the most remote corners on Earth, fully self supporting where there will not even be road kill, most of what you think you need, you don't.
My Ortlieb Rear Roller classic are only half full now. My clothes fit into 2 5 liter stuff sacks, tools in seat tool bag, sleep/camping gear all goes infront handlebar bag. Ukulele (soprano) strapped onto rear pannier.
That's it. Any more questions? drop a line.
Have fun and keep the rubber side down.

International / Health Insurance on the road abroad.
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:07:38 pm »
Any Americans out there with cycling abroad have experience with international health insurance?

South Atlantic / Re: Traffic on the AC
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:18:48 pm »
Thanks folks for the support. I'm hoping th A1A is a little more mellow. I hate to bail on a ride and I really want to be where it's warmer...

I had the same issue when I bought my first touring bike several years ago. The gearing just didn't work for me. I looked into changing the drive line.  In the long run, I had to eat some loss but ended up with a first gen. Sala Fargo. Size small. Triple in the front and a 34 on the rear. A little heavier over all but I love it! I'm a smaller woman and while the geomatry isn't perfect for me, I've changed out bars and such and it works well now. Good luck.

Food Talk / Eating well on tour.
« on: November 03, 2015, 10:00:28 am »
I wanted to just begin a new topic about food and eating on tour. I've done some 1,000 mile plus rides through rural areas. In some places food is not only scarce but it's crap. I ate things like Jimmy Dean Sausage Mcmuffins on the Western Express from convenience stores because that was it... Now I'm on the Atlantic coast route. I stock up when I can in larger towns where there re actually grocery stores. But the concept of "food deserts" is a reality out here. In the summer months there is produce of course. But now in the fall post harvest, even the locals eat conveneince store crap. Towns in North Carolina have the Dollar General. These are fairly large but I could not find one piece of fresh produce. How is it for other cyclists?

International / Mexico-Central America-Columbia
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:50:31 am »
I'm considering this as a ride this winter. I'm thinking of begining in Yucatan through to Belize and Guatemala and down to Panama. I know there's folks out there who are familiar with cycling this. Any info on camping of course, road conditions, routes, fun stuff, stuff to avoid. You know, the usual.
If anybody's intersted in joining me, drop a line.

South Atlantic / Traffic on the AC
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:42:07 am »
I am currently cycling south on the AC. SOme of the route is on nice quiet back roads. And some of it feels just short of treacherous. Of course this is subjective. I'm coming from the wild, wild west. I rode the Western Express this summer and quiet and I mean QUIET roads were the rule not the excception. Feels opposite here. I'm a little discouraged. It's not just the volume (speaking of which, what's with the pick ups on steroids?) but the rate of travel I have experienced by drivers. Is the route from south Florida to Key West like this as well? I'm considering bailing on ths ride, I feel scared much of the time.

Classifieds / Re: Price Reduced: ACA Atlantic Coast Route Maps
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:49:47 pm »
I'm interested. Do you still have them?

Classifieds / WTB
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:46:13 pm »
Looking for used Carradice Camper longflap. I really want to try one of these for ultralight touring. I will have to modify it some and I'm not actually sure it's going to fit my small frame bike. That's why I want to find one used. I also like to upcycle stuff.

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