« on: April 05, 2008, 01:44:21 am »
I use a helmet mounted mirror. Keeps me wearing a helmet. Helmet makers should do a better job of locating a mounting spot for them. The flip down mirror on the bell metro is a joke. Mirrors on helmets can get in the way though, like when using a helmet cover. Or the way they hang off and get mangled by stuff. To me it's very instinctual to use my mirror. Part of that may be because I'am often one of those big trucks that pass by. I can do a sweep behind me to check on trafic merging in on an on or off ramp. I think mirrors should be mandatory on group rides so one can see other bikers coming up behind you when you are changing lanes, stopping, etc. Helmet mirrors are also better at keeping rain and snow from obscuring the view. One big problem I have with them is when it's necessary to change positions say from my upright bars to my aero bars so I mount a mirracycle mirror to the end of my bars so I can glance down with out craining my neck. But the helmet mount is always usefull if I feel a need for a better look just the same.
I suppose one advantage to not having a mirror is that you would be really loose and relaxed when the car hits you! These days with folks yakking away on cell phones, texting and my favorite, driving on the shoulder with a laptop computer on the seat going through ones E-mails. I can't imagine not being aware and involved with what's happening with the flow of passing traffic.
May the wind at your back always smell like home.
This message was edited by freightbike on 4-9-08 @ 5:41 PM