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Messages - freightbike

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General Discussion / Traveling with a dog
« on: May 26, 2008, 12:18:17 am »
Reminds me of the guy who I met in Montana back in 83. He was riding from Boston to Seatle with an Irish setter in a trailer. He didn't want to risk the dog getting hit by cars, so my suggestion that he put a harness on it and help him over the hills didn't sit too well with him. I suppose it's like dogs in cars, they have to just sit there for hours and not get spooked or excited into doing something inapropriate.
 I guess it depends on the type of dog and what its temperment is. And what is the probable reaction of people you encounter along the way.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

General Discussion / Then came "Johnson"?
« on: April 24, 2008, 01:01:47 pm »
For some time now I've been wondering if it would ever be cool to have a TV series based loosely on the "then came bronson" series. With the upsurge of babyboomers out riding across the country, would there be interesting stories and situations that would hold an audience. One episode could be running into the ragbrai ride and the absolute crazy, zany, whacked out experience of that.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

General Discussion / White gas on the GDMBR?
« on: April 24, 2008, 12:33:12 pm »
Whenever I travel and stay at campgrounds, I walk about and look for other campers who appear to be using white gas stoves, lanterns, etc. It's even easier just at late dusk, look for the blare of coleman lanterns. I walk up and ask if I might buy a quart for, say, five bucks. Nine times out of ten they'll just give it to me. You might have to talk to them and tell part of your story but most folks are glad to be rid of the stuff so they don't have to worry about storing the fuel at home.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

This message was edited by freightbike on 4-24-08 @ 8:46 AM

General Discussion / Looking Backward
« on: April 05, 2008, 01:44:21 am »
I use a helmet mounted mirror. Keeps me wearing a helmet. Helmet makers should do a better job of locating a mounting spot for them. The flip down mirror on the bell metro is a joke. Mirrors on helmets can get in the way though, like when using a helmet cover. Or the way they hang off and get mangled by stuff. To me it's very instinctual to use my mirror. Part of that may be because I'am often one of those big trucks that pass by. I can do a sweep behind me to check on trafic merging in on an on or off ramp. I think mirrors should be mandatory on group rides so one can see other bikers coming up behind you when you are changing lanes, stopping, etc. Helmet mirrors are also better at keeping rain and snow from obscuring the view. One big problem I have with them is when it's necessary to change positions say from my upright bars to my aero bars so I mount a mirracycle mirror to the end of my bars so I can glance down with out craining my neck. But the helmet mount is always usefull if I feel a need for a better look just the same.
 I suppose one advantage to not having a mirror is that you would be really loose and relaxed when the car hits you! These days with folks yakking away on cell phones, texting and my favorite, driving on the shoulder with a laptop computer on the seat going through ones E-mails. I can't imagine not being aware and involved with what's happening with the flow of passing traffic.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

This message was edited by freightbike on 4-9-08 @ 5:41 PM

General Discussion / Where's your bike taking you this summer!?
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:59:12 am »
I'am planning to ride from st. paul MN. to Garrison ND for the start of Candisc. Ride CANDISC then ride back home via Warroad MN. I have my entire four week block of vacation to do this. I chickened out of riding to Warroad last year after Candisc but headed due east on Hwy 200 through Mayville ND. Then through Bemidji and Nashwauk. I took Amtrak to Minot.

May the wind at your back always smell like home.

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