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Messages - apennypermile

Pages: [1]
Connecting ACA Routes / Los Angeles to Western Express/Trans-Am
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:53:15 pm »
Actually this is an old question as I completed the ride last fall.  I ended up starting in Virginia to avoid August in Death Valley but, as a result, I ended up freezing my tookus off in Colorado in October!  

I rode I-15 from Cedar City to Las Vegas with no problems, averaging 20 mph after 38 days in the saddle (with two rest days.)  Two days rest in Vegas was followed by riding I-15 to Barstow with a couple of encounters with unappreciative and ill-informed highway patrol officers as I was on bike legal sections of interstate.  From Barstow I took Hwy 66 and then rode through (over) Los Angeles National Forest to LA (Hwy 2, I think it was.)  

Very heavy traffic, obviously, on the interstate and lots of debris resulting in numberous flats.  I wasn't concerned about the traffic as the shoulders were wide with rumble strips, actually the safest I felt the whole trip!  3400 miles in 42 days of riding.

Connecting ACA Routes / Los Angeles to Western Express/Trans-Am
« on: June 08, 2007, 02:19:10 am »
Valygrl,  Thanks for the concern.  I will have a personal SAG that will be within ten miles at all times through the desert and I plan on doing most of my riding in the very early morn and late evening, plus I will have been training in a similar climate for three months.  Hopefully I've got it covered, but I was wrong once before, in '87.  I'll contact the bike laison for CA, also, and see what he has to say.  I'm big on asking forgiveness, instead of permission sometimes but the ride will be in trouble if I'm in the middle of nowhere and have to bail off the highway.  Thanks, again, everyone.    

Connecting ACA Routes / Los Angeles to Western Express/Trans-Am
« on: June 04, 2007, 04:32:30 pm »
I checked with the Calif Highway Patrol and they emphatically stated that there are signs at every entrance to the interstate prohibiting bikes.  So is this a commonly accepted practice out there that is overlooked by law enforcement or will I need to outrun the law at some point?  I don't mind asking forgiveness but I really don't want a big ticket and to have my bike impounded.  Does anyone else have experience with this scenario?  Thanks.  

Connecting ACA Routes / Los Angeles to Western Express/Trans-Am
« on: June 04, 2007, 12:08:54 am »
Thanks for the info.  Just to clarify; these are miles and direction of travel, correct?  And when you say "I-15" are you talking frontage road or the actual I-15?  I didn't think bikes were allowed on the interstate so I'm just a bit confused.  Thanks again.  

Connecting ACA Routes / Los Angeles to Western Express/Trans-Am
« on: May 29, 2007, 09:05:30 am »
I'm riding the Western Express/Trans-Am later this summer but I would really like to start in L.A, go through Las Vegas and connect in Utah, maybe Cedar City.  A serious dearth of usable roads makes planning a route troublesome. Anyone done this before?  Thanks for any help.

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