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Messages - jcostanz

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
General Discussion / Re: Camping on Blue Ridge Parkway?
« on: September 04, 2009, 02:41:06 pm »
The overnight stops planned for are setup for mostly camping and less expensive motel/lodge ect.  I prefer camping for the security of the trike that I ride.

I ride a Greenspeed GTE, on the tour around lake Erie I had 1 day of 100+ miles and several around 90 miles, fully overloaded :).  I do better mileage wise on the trike than on my Tour Easy, even more so in hills.

I do have a question for you on what is your plan for getting back to the car after the ride?  This trouble has required me to either do organized trips or circular solo tours so far.


General Discussion / Re: Camping on Blue Ridge Parkway?
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:34:43 am »
I am also looking at it for sometime in 2010.  I have already layed out my overnight stops based on mileage and found that I must both camp and hotel/lodge ect at some point.  I found that with my average mileage I would have to do both.  I started planning with about 50 miles per day,  about 60% of what I did going around Lake Erie this summer.  I wound up with 45 -75 mile days.

I defiantly would recommend "Bicycling the Blue Ridge" book, as it lists options for where to stay.  I used Delorme's Street atlas and Topo software to help locate overnight stops.

Gear Talk / Re: panniers
« on: August 10, 2009, 01:59:08 pm »
I love the Arkels.  I ride around with a GT-18BP and tour with a set of GT-54's.  I ride a Greenspeed GTE trike, so the pockets come in handy for the rain gear, wallet ect, while still having a water resistant compartment for purchases or gear that I don't need right then.

When I tour, I put everything in space bags (ziplock style bags that one can roll the air out of).  These keep everything water proof and allows me to carry probably too much gear:).

The Hook system for the Arkels are very adjustable, I haven't seen any rack system that they wouldn't work with.

General Discussion / Re: Prep for my first trip
« on: July 24, 2009, 03:43:05 pm »
A popular option for the car is to leave it at the long term parking at an airport.  Ride to another airport and rent a car/ SUV and drive back to your car.    Since you are traveling with a trailer, you probably will only be able to ship the trailer back or rent a SUV type car.   Be aware that there are not many options for one way car rentals.  I ride a Trike that does not fold or come apart, so for any 1 way ride I have to look at renting a Uhaul type, as one-way pickup truck rentals seem to be unavailable.


General Discussion / Re: Browsing problems?
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:27:23 pm »
Thank you.  It appears to be fine today.

General Discussion / Browsing problems?
« on: June 17, 2009, 12:31:15 pm »
When I refresh or click on any link on Adventure Cycling's website, I get a Reported Attack Site warning in Firefox.

Is this a problem with my pc or firefox?


Gear Talk / Re: Cycling Sandals
« on: April 17, 2009, 02:46:16 pm »
I tried the older Shimano, way too narrow.
I used Lakes for years but they didn't seem to fit right.

I love the Keens.  They do have a SPD sandal.  they are very comfortable for both on bike and off bike.  I used them on RAGBRAII and two 4 day tours.


General Discussion / Re: New to Touring
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:27:00 pm »
When I did the C&O with Adventure cycling a couple of years ago, it had just rained for several days before.  A lot of it consisted of two tracks, about the width of the maintaince trucks used on the trail, with grass and twigs between.  Wide tires are a must for this trail.

I did it on a recumbent trike.  It is the only trail that I have done that 3 wheels is a BIG Mistake.  What ever you do, make sure you have fenders on the bike.

General Discussion / Re: passport/CAN/US
« on: February 18, 2009, 02:33:04 pm »
When I renewed my license, I decided to go for the enhanced version, it was an additional $30.  I already have a passport but for cycling the enhanced DL is more water resistant.  It is also easier in that I always have it on me.

I also live along the Canadian border and probably cycled about 50 percent of my miles this past summer in Canada.

My passport got wet on a tour even being in a ziplock bag.

General Discussion / Re: passport/CAN/US
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:06:43 pm »
Note Passcards and enhanced driverlicenses are only good for land (bridge) and sea crossings not for Any International Flights.

Routes / Algonac to Toledo area
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:35:41 pm »
I am looking for recommendations for traveling from Algonac/Northern end of lake St Clair to the AC's Northern Tier route Toledo OH area.  How far West should I head to avoid Detroit?


Routes / Cycling Around Lake Erie
« on: November 07, 2008, 11:15:58 am »
Thank you but I am looking for suggestions for the Detroit area.

Routes / Cycling Around Lake Erie
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:13:37 pm »
I am planning a round Lake Erie trip for summer 2009.
I am looking for some suggestions for going around Detroit.  

I have the Round Lake Erie book, the directions in the book only apply if you hitchhike across the Detroit river.  This is not an option that I will consider.

I have found the a ferry that is north of Detroit that accepts bikes, crosses just North of Lake St Clair and South of Algonac Park.

I plan on picking up the ACA Northern route south of Detroit and taking it back thru Buffalo, NY.


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