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Messages - mckas

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Routes / Re: A Loop Through the Black Hills
« on: May 16, 2016, 10:25:48 pm »
Thank you again.  I am a little on information overload, it is very much appreciated.  On the route from Hill City to Hot Springs, I think the ACA route goes off the Mickelson about 8 - 10 miles south of Pringle on county route 333 or Argyle Rd.  From Hot Springs north into all the parks and monuments, I'm not sure what route they take.  I was thinking of going up 87 and then going onto the wildlife loop in Custer State Park.  Then 16A to Mt. Rushmore, then cutting up to Sheridan Lake.  Then Sheridan Lake Rd. into Rapid City.  None of my route is set in stone, and if anything having flexability traveling with my son is key, That is why I hate making reservations.  I have never seen the Ride with GPS website before, but that has peaked my interest.  Great info, I look forward to taking in the rest of your route and your thoughts on the Needles highway.  Once again, your help is very much appreciated.

Routes / Re: A Loop Through the Black Hills
« on: May 15, 2016, 10:56:38 pm »
Indyfabz, thanks for the write up on the Black Hills, and the pictures.  My 10 yr. old and I will be touring the Black Hills the last week in June on a tandem.  As of now we plan to try to duplicate the route that Adventure Cycling uses for its tour.  (6 days 234 miles) We plan to start in Deadman though.  I do have some questions for you.  First, what time of year did you do your tour?   Did you have any problems getting into a campground?  This is important to me, because I have been shut out of campgrounds in the past, and have camped "on the road somewhere", but traveling with my son, this may be too much of an adventure for him and me.  Did you find this to be a problem?  Any roads that you would not miss if you had to do it over, and like wise any roads you would stay away from?  I actually have 2 tandems that I can choose from to do this trip.  I can use a road tandem, currently set up with 36mm tires (can use up to 2" tires), or a mountain  tandem with front suspension.  I would like to get onto some unpaved roads, the average mileage is low, but we will not be acclimated to the elevation and I know there will be plenty of climbing, but I'm sure I can get my son through some extra mileage.  The nice thing about this area is that, if we need to cut it short, we can, if we want to add on we can.  It's also why I want to start on the Mickelson Trail, I figure after the first day, I'll know if we can do any extra mileage, or if we need to cut it short.  I guess I'm going in with the want to add some mileage on unpaved roads.  Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Routes / Northern Tier into Portland, OR
« on: February 21, 2007, 11:42:46 pm »
If you want to ride the entire Nortern Tier Route, you can ferry hop and bike the islands off of Seattle down to Tacoma, then cut accross on 410, through Mt. Rainier, take the road that goes on the backside of Mt. St. Helens, and work your way into Portland.  my wife and I did this from Vancover island about 8 yrs ago.  It was a very scenic route.

Reguardless of your route, I hope the winds are at your back going accross Montana, and the Dekota's.

Routes / nova scotia
« on: February 21, 2007, 11:11:58 pm »
It has been about 17 years since I biked in Nova Scotia. I am sure its beauty is still there.  I have actually done 2 trips in Nova Scotia.  The 1st was a ferry ride from Portland, Me to Yarmouth, bike to Halifax, then accross and back to Digby, and a ferry to St John, NB.  The second was Yarmouth to Halifax to around Cape Bretton Island to New Glasgow and a ferry to PEI.

If you go try to stay off the main highways, but also don't get caught up with going around every pennisula.  While the scenery is great, it can get a little redundant, and you could spin alot of miles just going from Yarmouth to Halifax.  Halifax is a wonderful city.  While the population is not great, many people from all over Nova Scotia would go there to shop or party. (this was 17yrs. ago, before Walmarts in every little town) it is also a big navel port.  I met a couple of fishermen from Newfoundland, who came to Halifax for a couple days to party. Had a wonderful time.  All of the people I met were extremly friendly.  Definetly spend an off day there.  The historical fort is really neat, and the gardens were nice.

If you are in for a challenge, go around Cape Bretton Highlands National Park.  I have to say that bicycling this stretch ranks with biking the "Going to the Sun" route through  Glacier National Park.  The scenery is outstanding.  While the elevation gains in the climbs may only be 1000 - 1200 ft or so, they are steep.  I have to say that the climb to Cape Smokey was one of the most exhilarating climbs that I have ever done.  If you travel counterclockwise, you will be climbing some next to a cliff straight down to the ocean.  This gave me a huge lift, and plenty of adrenalin to finish the climb.

Do realize that fog can be a big bummer, and take away all of the great scenery.  Both of my trips were in August, and I never had any prolong periods of fog.  You may want to research this aspect.

Anyways, my advice, is that if you can get out to Nova Scotia, go and have a great time.

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