After six efforts that worked, but were far from perfect, I finally got a penny stove design all put together and I love it. I can boil a liter of water in just under 12 minutes although that is FAR more water than I should need. Reheating a can of beans or fixing Raman takes less than 5 minutes.

The stove burns Isopropyl Alcohol and I have tested it with both 70% and 90%. The lower percentage works and is a bit cheaper but does not burn as hot and so takes a bit longer. Not an issue for me but I will carry the 90% HEAT as a fuel source. Six meals worth of fuels costs less than $2.
The stove itself is the diameter of a pop can and about 2 inches tall and sits inside of another can that acts as windscreen, cooking rack and storage. I painted the screen/rack with Krylon black stove paint. The whole set-up is six inches tall and weighs less than 5 ounces. Perfect.

And is sitting on a Rubbermaid box. I can cook a meal...blow out the flame and handle the stove with my bare hands. The heat funnels straight up and is not wasted on the stove itself.