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Messages - big blue cat

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Routes / Missoula to Ovando, G-town Lake, Wisdom
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:21:18 am »
This is probably one of the few places that I haven't ridden in Montana. Starting in Missoula to
Ovando, to Georgetown Lake, Anconda, Wisdom.  I have the route we would
like to take.  We would like to keep our mileage to 50-60'day. Can anybody help me with services such
 as grocery, campgrounds, road surface,  etc.?
Thanks for any help.

Routes / Re: Fairbanks -> Anchorage or Anchorage -> Fairbanks?
« on: February 27, 2014, 05:42:56 pm »
I did a trip in Alaska about 6 or 7 yrs. ago. what we did was fly into anchorage, train to whistler (I think), ferry to valdez. we went by were the valdez went aground. we started our trip in valdez, rode up to Fairbanks, took a couple of days off. went to denali for a couple of days. took a tour on a camp bus & saw lots of wildlife. mosqtoes were horrible. at the time road construction was going on north of anchorage. in hind sight I would of stop in telketna (sp) & trained into anchorage. it was a great trip & would do it again. I think the trip was about 650 miles. I was effected a little by the daylight. good thing about this is if you get behind in your schedule you can ride at 2 a.m. I would use lights just to be visible.
have a good trip

Routes / Re: East To West Montana
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:34:33 am »
I rode from Billings to Highway 200 then east to N.D., Minn., Blah Blah.
Once we got on Hiway 200 it was a rollercoaster ride ( up & down) until east Mt., then flatten out.
We dealt with headwinds most of the way, of course. Towns are spaced apart but not where you can't
get water. I remember passing a one room school house that was still in use. I made this trip quite awhile
a go. The name of the town (wide spot in the road) was Spring  something. the lady let us camp behind her store. That evening we sat on her front porch eat our supper & drink beer.

Routes / frontage road from billings to livingston
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:25:26 am »
I've been planning multiple trips for 2014. Can anybody help getting from Billings to Livingston, Mt. without getting on I-90. How's the scenery? will be coming from Red Lodge, Mt.
Thanks for any help.

Routes / Re: Missoula to Glacier?
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:00:40 am »
It's been a few years since I've been to Glacier. I've been to most of the national parks, Glacier is my fav. Unless things have changed, there are restrictions on bikes if you're going up the west side on Going to the Sun Road. You have to be at the top of Logan's Pass by 11 a.m. & can't get back on until 4 p.m. The east side there are no restrictions. If I were doing it again I would going up on the west side & go down on the east. The reason, the west side the road is rough, east side is good. I wasn't able to "let it go" down the west side because of the rough road.  Again, it's been 5 or 6 years since I've been there, things may have changed.
Have a groovy trip.

Routes / Re: Reno to Yosemite
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:03:56 am »
thanks for your help. if I am riding the east side going into Yosemite
is there a safe route on the west side that takes us toward reno to fly
again, thanks

Routes / Re: Reno to Yosemite
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:57:27 am »
thanks for the info.  does 395 carry a lot of traffic?
4 lane 2 lane?
again, thanks

Routes / Reno to Yosemite
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:48:21 pm »
Looking for some help finding my way from Reno, Nv. airport to Yosemite N.P.
Can anybody help. Thinking about leaving Sept. 2014.

Gear Talk / Re: Brooks Saddle help
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:42:18 am »
shorts do help. i couldn't imagine riding a bike for very long without them. i wonder how i was able to ride all day long, day after day, in blue jeans when i was a kid.
something else i do to my brooks is i put a good coat of saddle soap. that protects & soften the leather. i do it about 8-10 times/year.

Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Trans AM Kentucky - off-route to Louisville
« on: November 14, 2012, 07:36:22 pm »
if you're coming from the west when you cross over the ohio river, you can take the underground railroad, which crosses back over the river at brandenburg. you will ride through s. indiana. depending on when you come through, they are working on a bridge for ped./bikes to cross the river into lou. as one of your people mentioned, if you don't have to go to lou. i wouldn't. i to live in oldham co. i don't like riding in lou. & i've live here all my life. any questions? feel free to respond.

General Discussion / Re: Overcoming butt pain
« on: November 05, 2012, 06:16:01 pm »
i have a brooks & i have ridden several thousand miles on it & i call it my lazyboy. like other people said there's a break in period. also you'll might have to make some adjustments.

Routes / Info. on Reno to Yosemite N.P.
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:05:23 am »
I am also looking at flying into Reno, provided the airlines doesn't lose my bike, & hooking up with the Sierra Bike Route to Yosemite. Anybody have any info. on this?

General Discussion / Yellowstone North Entrance Info.
« on: November 02, 2012, 12:05:12 pm »
on a mapping program i am using, as you leave yellowstone via north entrance, hi-way 89 there's another road that runs parrell called old yellowstone trails. does anybody know anything about that road? not sure if that's the correct name.any help would be much appreicated.


General Discussion / Re: Advice needed!!!
« on: November 02, 2012, 11:58:47 am »

if you start west to east by the time you get out of colorado you'll be able to send home the heavy clothes home because if you're leaving june 10 by the time you get to ks. you'll be riding in 90's. might want to have something to block sun.

Routes / Re: Pacific Coast - Rain or RV's, which is worse?
« on: October 19, 2010, 04:09:49 pm »
i rode it in july & the weather was great, traffic was horrible. luckly oregon has paths or wide shoulders
or i would of aborted the ride & gone inland. also if you do this go north to south.

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