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Topics - reed523

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / In search of tandem roof rack
« on: April 08, 2023, 10:11:48 am »
I'm looking for a used tandem friendly rooftop rack.  My first choice would be an ATOC Tandem Topper but I would consider other options.  Located in Denver area but might travel for the right rack.  Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Inspiration for a 2 week mid-February tour
« on: December 12, 2022, 02:51:44 pm »
Hi all,
My bike travel imagination is in need of a boost.  I would welcome some brainstorming for a two week tour location in mid to late February.  It would probably need to be an out and back, or a point to point with Amtrak support. I suppose I could do a hub and spoke thing if there was plenty of great riding in a particular area.   In order of importance, I'd say I'm looking for:
-Limited to Continental US or maybe Baja Mexico
-Plenty of warm sunshine  8
-Reasonable traffic conditions.  (I consider a 4+ foot shoulder plenty adequate if not overwhelmed with high speed traffic).  -Shoulderless pavement in spots would be ok if traffic is very light.
-Dirt/gravel options would also be fine.  Maybe even preferable if the service options were reasonable.
-Plenty of access to available camping/public space with motels available along at least part of the route.

I've got some ideas but I'm curious to see what all you come up with.  Thanks in advance!

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