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Messages - rootchopper

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General Discussion / Re: Most dangerous roads
« on: January 23, 2025, 07:48:11 pm »
Oregon State Route 126 between Eugene and Belknap Springs was crazy. Loads of double dump trucks and logging trucks and not a lot of room for bikes on the shoulder. When coming from McKenzie Pass the heavy traffic is a real shock to the system because the road over the pass does not allow trucks. It may be the most peaceful stretch of road I've ever ridden.

The stretch of the Trans Am between Counsel VA and Berea KY wouldn't be half bad (brutal climbs notwithstanding) but the waves of dogs make it pretty dangerous. Also on the TransAm the descent from the Blue Ridge to Vesuvius in the Shenandoah Valley is insanely steep and windy. Even with disc brakes this is dangerous. Locals advise using Irish Creek Road (to the south of the TransAm) which is a more gradual descent and connects with the ACA route closer to Lexington.

The Atlantic Coast Route through Prince William County going around Quantico Marine base last summer was quite scary because of streams of dump trucks going to the site of a data center under construction. There is no shoulder in long stretches. To their credit the drivers were careful.)

Coming into Pittsburgh on the Erie Connector Spur (part of the Underground Railroad route) is also a hairy experience. I did it on a Sunday and the traffic was insane.

General Discussion / Re: TransAm - Portland Oregon Return
« on: January 23, 2025, 07:26:57 pm »
I have twice used West End Bikes. They did an excellent job.

When I rode the Atlantic Coast route to Key West, I couldn't help but notice that most of the billboard ads were for personal injury attorneys.

General Discussion / Re: Bike 'friendliness' of US hotels?
« on: August 03, 2024, 06:52:19 pm »
If you are planning on taking the C&O and GAP there are two hotels worth noting.

In Hancock MD on the C&O they have a hose set up out front for you to clean your bike. They also provided rags. (Once cleaned, bikes are allowed in rooms.)

In Connellsville PA on the GAP, a Comfort Inn near the trail offers showers (towel, soap, and shampoo provided) for $10. I would expect they are used to having bikes in rooms but don't know for sure.

Routes / Re: TransAm Alternate Routes You Would Recommend
« on: July 31, 2024, 05:17:27 pm »
With regard to bypassing Ennis, two thoughts. The climb west out of Ennis was one of the highlights of my 2022 tour. The views of the valley below are breathtaking.

Another plus to Ennis, they have one of the very best Warmshowers hosts. Not to be missed.

General Discussion / Re: Bike 'friendliness' of US hotels?
« on: July 31, 2024, 05:12:11 pm »
It's very rare that the hotel will say "no" to bringing your bike into your room. But I always as when reserving the room.

One time my bike was rejected was in Dove Creek CO on the Western Express. The motel was pretty dumpy but the owner insisted I leave my bike outdoors. Don't tell anybody but about 10 pm I brought it inside. He never knew.

In Redmond Or my 3-man tour posse called the Motel 6. They said they had one room and would hold it for us. When the manager saw we were on bikes he said he had given the room to someone else.

A Holiday Inn in Niagara Falls NY put my recumbent in its luggage room. A few other hotels have done something similar.

I asked to bring my bike into my room in a hotel in Delaware OH. The kid behind the counter needed to consult her boss. I heard her say, "He wants to bring his motorcycle into the room." So make sure you say "bicycle" instead of "bike".

I agree that you should ask for a rag to wipe down your bike.

General Discussion / Re: Hillbilly dogs
« on: July 18, 2024, 08:38:22 pm »
Here's an update on the dogs of the TransAm from May and June or 2024. I intended to ride what for me was the missing link in the TransAm from Ashland VA to Ash Grove MO. I made it as far as Hazard KY before giving up.

I have over 10,000 miles of touring experience in the US. I can only recall being hassled by a dog once, on the Northern Tier. It was an annoying lap dog. There were beaucoup dogs on the Wind River Reservation but the yards were all fenced. I had one dog run along side me but he was playful. Lasted about a half mile.

In 2019 I rode US Route 66 through Missouri. No dogs. In 2022, I rode the Katy Trail and some rural roads to connect to the TransAm in Kansas. No dogs.

As for this summer, I was attacked twice east of Charlottesville VA, once by a pair of corgis and again by a junkyard dachsund. (I am not making this up.) I out ran both.

In Afton at the Cookie Lady's house an eastbound TA rider said he had been attacked "about 20 times" in eastern Kentucky. He was unharmed but he was clearly distressed by the experience. I was told there would be no dog attacks in Virginia.

Wrong. I was attacked by two boxers east of Breaks Va. They came from at least 200 yards away at full speed. I couldn't believe how far and how fast they ran. They were nasty. I wasn't prepared but thankfully they broke off the attack when some cars came by.

In the town of Breaks, I passed a large, fluffy dog. He looked harmless and let out an almost comical "woof" as I rode by. Then I heard a snarl and he was biting at my right rear pannier, putting a small hole in it. He was strong enough to yank my bike to the side. I was so angry that I dismounted and went after the dog unarmed. He compelely freaked and immediately moved as far away as he could.

After enterring Kentucky, I was attacked again and again during the 70 miles to Hindman. I tried a dog whistle on one. It seemed to work. I tried an air horn in two other attacks. It worked on one but not the other. I told one dog to "get on the porch" and he did.

There were a couple of other attacks that I had to stop and wait for the dogs to calm down. I had to use pepper spray on one but I missed because it turned when its owner call for it. Pepper spray only works at very close range.

Just before Hindman a mid-sized dog attacked as I passed a family gathering down in the holler. The dog simply would not leave me alone. The owners made no attempt to restrain the dog. This went on for over ten minutes. I inched along on foot until a pick up truck came by and distracted the dog.

After Hindman I encountered a road closure. The detour put me on a busy highway. I didn't bother going back on the TA route for fear of still more dog attacks.

In Hazard I was told by a rental car agent that the dog problem between Hazard and Berea is the worst. The hostel host in Booneville, mid-way to Berea, advised me to get wasp spray or bear spray. She said the dog attacks are much worse in recent years. (Note: wasp spray contains a neurotoxin. It will permanently mess up the dog, and maybe the sprayer. It's cheaper than bear spray but go with the latter.) She said a cyclist was recently bit on the TA near Booneville.

Personally I tour by bike to enjoy myself. I was spending every moment from Breaks to Hindman scanning the roadside looking for vicious dogs instead of enjoying the scenery.

It's been over a month and I'm still stressed out by my experience.

Chemical warfare and rabies shots are not my cup of tea.

My advice is to avoid the TA east of Missouri. Ride from Yorktown to DC. From there you have your choice of routes to the west. The Eastern Express is one option. Or ride west to Route 66 or the Katy Trail and take that to the TA in western Missouri.

I encountered heavy construction traffic on Fleetwood and Aden Roads in mid May. (The dump trucks were going to and from a work site, probably new data centers.) These are two-lane country roads with no paved shoulders. A steady stream of dump and logging trucks made for very stressful conditions. Ride with care.

I passed through this area a week ago. I ignored the barrier and easily passed through the damaged section of road. There are no rocks in the road at all. The sidewall is severely degraded by apparent neglect. It is separated from the roadway by Jersey barriers.

Local folks say that the Park Service believes the road may erode if exposed to heavy vehicles but a cyclist or pedestrian seems unlikely to cause a catastrophic failure. In fact, the road surface in the closed section of road is in better shape than the Old Mine Road through the Gap.

Breaching the barrier on the south side requires unloading your bike and lifting your bike and gear over a Jersey barrier. On the north side, you can simply ride around the barrier.

I've done something like this in 2018 and 2019. DC to Pittsburgh via the C&O Canal and the Gap Trails. From Pittsburgh take the ACA NYC to Chicago route west. This intersects with the Northern Tier in Indiana. Take that west until it intersects with Route 66 in Odell IL. Follow Route 66 southwest to Marshfield MO where it intersects with the Trans AM.

Don't rule out cutting some corners. You can bypass Pittsburgh by heading west from West Newton PA to Wheeling WV and pick up the Chicago route there.

Good luck

I rode Missoula to St. Regis last summer. Getting out of Missoula was unpleasant (suburban strip malls) but it lasts only a few miles. The route includes a frontage road to I-90 for several miles. This was being reconstructed when I rode it. I'll bet it's in a lot better shape (including pavement) now.

I-90 has WIDE shoulders. No worries at all, except for the four bridges that were under construction. Traffic was squeezed to one lane each way. No shoulders. No guts, no glory. I waited for a big gap in traffic and went for it. My guess is that this won't be an issue this summer.

There is a section than runs through a wooded area parallel to I-90. This is very pleasant. I suppose this is what other were saying may be a private road. I didn't see any access issues and there was store along the road where I waited out a passing storm.

From St. Regis to Paradise along 135 is very scenic.

Hope this helps. Enjoy your trip.

Bike Flights has recommendations on its app. I used West End Bikes to break down and pack my bike on my return from a cross country ride last year. They were very easy to deal with. They get tons of work with packing bikes because of the Seattle to Portland ride and being near Astoria and an airport. I'm sure they could accept your bike and put it together.

As for getting to Astoria, why not ride? You could do one route west and a different one back to Portland.

There is a free bike house to stay at in Clatskanie. It's about 30 - 35 miles east of Astoria.

One other thing, Astoria is not quite on the coast. You'll have to ride about 10 miles to Sunset Beach or Fort Stevens to do a wheel dip in the Pacific.

Torrential rains are causing problems downriver from PawPaw. The rains should relent in a couple of days but the towpath will be a mess for several days afterward. The towpath is closed for a short stretch downriver from Brunswick. The C&O Canal Facebook page is being updated several times a day by the National Park Service.

According to the C&O Facebook page, the Paw Paw tunnel has been reopened until some time in June.

Meanwhile torrential rains and flooding are wiping out sections of the C&O towpath east of Antietam Creek.

Routes / C&O Canal Towpath
« on: May 16, 2018, 02:39:50 pm »
If you are planning on using the C&O Canal towpath this week, check with the National Park Service first. Heavy rains over an extended period are making a mess of the towpath. A short section of the canal between miles 51 (Catoctin Viaduct) and 54 (Brunswick) is closed. The Park Service is evaluating the towpath between miles 42 and 70.

These are part of the ACA Chicago to New York Route, PHIL ALT 1 section.

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