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Messages - lonerider

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General Discussion / Re: Serious back/rump problems
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:48:55 pm »
Oddly enough, bents give me a lot a back pain and I cannot ride them. Only one that I test rode years ago worked well and that was a Longbikes. Below seat steering seems to be better on my body than above seat, and the mesh backs do not offer enough support to my lower lumbar region to work well for my body.

Just to update you all, I started doing the exercises last night, same ones used over 20 years ago to rehab my lower back from injury when racing and it seems to be working on such short notice. Bogiesan you are likely correct in the prescribed routine as I have done 4 sets of the exercises plus walking routine in the past 18 hours. Am feeling better now, but in no way cured. This will be a long rehab cycle and I get discouraged easily when unable to ride. No endorphin high to keep me happy.

Bugger is the problem with sitting. Can't do it for long, maybe 20 minutes, and then it is bothersome. When it comes time to stand it is real painful. Gotta take a 4 hour flight to California in the next 2 weeks, hope I can get better soon!

General Discussion / Re: Serious back/rump problems
« on: December 31, 2010, 07:29:12 pm »
This problem first occurred this past spring and has flared up again on the snow ride. I typically ride 2-4k per year and have done so for several decades. I ride a custom built frame that is 8 years old with about 20k miles on it. It is the only bike that does not give me serious back pain. All the off the shelf bikes I own give me problems with back strain. The rump muscle problem is new and I do not know how to deal with it. Seriously thinking that my days on the bike are coming to a close. Perhaps I have ridden all the miles I am allowed to ride in my life time. Will seek out a sports med guy, did not think of it before.

General Discussion / Serious back/rump problems
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:11:50 pm »
I have just about had enough pain to last a life time. Two weeks ago went for a short cold weather ride and enjoyed it much, however two days later my back and rump have been giving me serious pain to the point of hardly able to stand, and sitting is absolute torture once I get up.

After some research I have isolated the muscle group giving me the problem. Glluteus Medius seems to be the one. Have been stretching it which helps considerably, plus doing the same yoga and pilates that have been keeping my back strong for 20+ years after injuring it while racing.

Anyone out there have some ideas for me? If this can't be resolved I don't see how my riding can continue. Really am desperate! Canceled plans to build a new frame until this can be cleared up. Help!

General Discussion / Re: camera choice
« on: December 31, 2010, 07:57:31 am »
Did you replace the camera?

General Discussion / Re: camera choice
« on: December 30, 2010, 06:53:35 pm »
Bogiesan, thanks for the info. Seems you have a good bit of knowledge in this subject. I will keep looking for the right unit to make life easier. Simplicity does not seem to go hand in hand with digital camera with quality pics. I do love film, especially b&w, but the offerings are internet only for film, and internet only for processing. Do my business locally to support my community an am willing to change formats to avoid doing business on line.
I do not listen to people who grump about stuff they had problems with unless there are 3 or more with the same issue.

General Discussion / Re: camera choice
« on: December 29, 2010, 07:53:39 pm »
Interchangable lens is not needed, but a quality image is. Digital zoom is not as good as an actual zoom lens so I desire the lens to be zoom. When I ride I stop infrequently, but will stop if a particuar scene grabs my fancy that reflects the general experience of the ride that day. Mostly scenic settings while riding, but almost all people pics when not. My daughter is in plays so I need something that can shoot quickly and resets for the next picture quickly. My son is into robotics competitions and I need something with a good zoom. The problem with dslr is the size is way too big. The size of my Pentax MX would be acceptable, but from what I have seen is the dslr is about the size of the old Nikon F2 cameras. Just too big. I have looked at the new Sony camera with a small body and zoom lens, but too pricey. If Pentax made a small dslr I would consider it.

General Discussion / camera choice
« on: December 29, 2010, 03:17:46 pm »
Long time tourist, now doing day trips only. My Pentax MX film camera is still fine, but want to go digital to rid my self of the expense of buying and processing film. What camera will shoot like a simple 35mm film slr? Don't want tons of functions, just functionality that has super simple controls and good picture quality. So far I have found nothing as simple as my film camera that takes quality photos. Suggestions requested. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Why the low thread numbers?
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:47:35 pm »
I would venture that cyclists, if not competitive or into the latest and greatest stuff, have not much to talk about.

Me, have ridden in several Asian countries as well as many states in USA and love to be by myself out on the back roads of farm country in the middle of growing season. Nothing compares to the peaceful solitude which is why I ride.

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