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Messages - schultzbike

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Routes / Yellowstone to Badlands
« on: December 17, 2008, 01:48:03 am »
Hello denbec, to answer your first question, we chose to go over Beartooth Pass for the simple and possibly silly reason that it is almost 11,000 ft and we knew it would be gorgeous and epic (which it was).  14A naturally followed as the apparent direct route across N. WY.  Honestly, we didn't notice that Big Horn pass was actually longer and steeper until the day before it.  We probably would have gone the Greybull/Shell route had we realized that it would be less crazy.  Going west, however, it will be less of an issue for you.  No regrets here though, it was still a phenomenal experience.  

Our route through Norris, Ennis, & Cameron was following Adv Cycling's Transam Route.  We met our friends in Ennis because it was the closest point on the route to Bozeman.  Hwy 89 to 12 would probably be a good way to link up to the N. Tier; I haven't been that way.  There were some significant climbs on our route between W. Yellowstone and Missoula, but all worth it.  It is spectacular country.  You may want to consider Adv Cycling's Great Parks route from Missoula to the N. Tier.  Either way, you can't lose.  Best of luck to you.  My advice to you right now is to take as long as you possibly can on your trip.  Don't worry about the most direct route, follow what's interesting to you.

Routes / Yellowstone to Badlands
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:54:52 am »
Lots of good advice out there.  Dennis, thanks for the kind words.  It truly was the trip of a lifetime (so far... there will be more).  I look forward to reading along with your trip next year.  Keeping our blog has been far more rewarding than we imagined.

I agree with litespeed about Hwy 191.  When we took our side trip to Bozeman for the music festival, many locals also warned us about how treacherous Hwy 191 is to W. Yellowstone.  The route through Norris/Ennis/Cameron was much friendlier to cycling (although with prevailing headwinds if you're going south).

Routes / Yellowstone to Badlands
« on: November 14, 2008, 11:36:40 pm »
Hello denbec, yes, we did do this trip and found a great route.  The short and easy advice would be to check our blog:  We wrote about our route and the experiences.  We biked around Yellowstone for 8 days, starting on July 5.  There was plenty of traffic, but we found most people to be courteous and reasonable.  It's best to ride very early in the morning to beat the rush and see wildlife.  On our website, you can click on the Route tab to see where we went.  If you have more questions, just email me at:  Good luck!

Routes / Yellowstone to Badlands
« on: February 10, 2008, 03:34:49 pm »
I'd love to hear from anyone who has connected these two national parks.  My wife and I are cycling them fully-loaded and camping, and will likely be doing it in July as part of our XC tour.  Specifically, I'm interested in going over Beartooth Pass into Red Lodge, MT, and then the best route back through WY to Badlands.    The other option we're considering is to exit the eastern part of Yellowstone on Hwy 14 to Cody and go over the Bighorn Mtns.  Big climbs either way, but we're in no rush.  Any info is greatly appreciated.

Routes / S. Dakota to Wisconsin
« on: February 10, 2008, 03:18:05 pm »
My wife and I are setting out on our big tour this June.  We're following the TransAm from Oregon to Yellowstone, then planning to cross Wyoming, S. Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, through Michigan into Canada.  Then we'll head down the Bruce Peninsula to Niagara, and finish on the Northern Tier to the Atlantic and then south to DC.  

I'm looking for route suggestions from Badlands NP to N. Wisconsin (we're visiting family near Rhinelander).  We've got plenty of time, so the route doesn't have to be a straight shot.  Suggestions on interesting places to visit along the way are welcome.  We're touring fully-loaded and camping.

Thanks for your input!

Routes / Plotting my own course
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:06:55 pm »
Hey ride29, sounds like a great trip you've got planned.  My wife and I are planning a cross country trip for 08, a portion of which will roughly follow the reverse of your route from Yellowstone to Michigan's UP (WY to SD to Minn thru WI to UP, then into Canada over the Great Lakes, back to US at Niagra).  I'd be very interested in any insight you can offer on the route you end up choosing (either before or after your trip, or both).  Have a great time!!

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