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Messages - Elessar

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I love this place.  You guys are so full of it, good information, I mean.  Thanks for sharing.

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Garmin Legend HCx
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:00:58 am »
My new toy should arrive in the next few hours according to UPS.  I've tracked in online and Amazon shipped it yesterday and it's out for delivery today.  I'm pretty psyched.  I'm replacing my Magellan CrossOver that is still a great unit, but I have two of them, one for the card and one for my bike (motorcycle) but my new Garmin should work for all my modes of transportation including hiking.  I already have a 4GB micro SD card from an older cell phone that should work.  (I know the Garmin won't address the entire card, but hey, it's cheaper than buying an new one since this one is just laying around unused.)  I already have a RAM mounting system for my previous Magellan so I only needed the RAM mount for the Garmin and I found that on sale for $4.44.  Pretty darn cheap if'n you ask me.  I grabbed that one when I saw it.

I am ready to add some maps and was thinking about the entire 49 states in the US road map for $59 or all of North America for $79.  Then I was thinking about the section of topos that include all of Kentucky.  Does anyone have any advice for which maps to buy?

Edit:  My new GPS has arrived and I still hope to get some advice from some of y'all that are more experienced that me.  Installed my batteries and turned it on at 12:55 pm.  I have ordered the DVD for the City Navigator of North America.

General Discussion / Re: Motorbike riders out there?
« on: February 12, 2011, 09:28:44 pm »
I have been riding a motorcycle for about the same amount of time that I have been riding my bicycle.  Both of which I have taken and extended break from.  I had dusted off my desire to ride a motorbike after about 25 years and have just recently dusted off my Diamondback Ascent EX after almost 20 year break.  My son's Diamondback is in the garage on two flat tires like mine was until about four weeks ago.

I love to ride and recently decided that I didn't like where my life was headed and how I was going to arrive.  I as 54 years old and used to weigh 248.  I'm down to 224 now and am looking to continue to reduce my girth to a manageable size and I hope to fall in love with the open road at a slower pace while on my bike.

Today I completed a 14 mile ride to listen to the wind, the stream along the road, and the birds and dogs.  The road is a great place to experience life and I believe that the experience is more full and rich at 10mph rather than 60mph.  Don't get me wrong, I love to ride my Goldwing more than I liked my Harley but I just love to get outside and ride.  I am pleased to have rediscovered my bicycle and look forward to the idea of a big ride.  If'n I could simple tour Kentucky I would feel lucky.

Yup, I ride a motorbike and my bicycle and I love both.  I think I will like my bicycle more and I'm looking forward to discovering life again.

Gear Talk / Re: Panniers - seam sealing and water repellency treatment
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:06:39 am »
I like the plastic bag idea.  I would extend your recommendation to a zip lock bag for cell phone/camera/electronics and add that I have saved a few of those small silica gel packs that come inside the box of new gear.  You know, the stuff you are warned not to eat.  I have a few of these inside my gun safe for moisture control and I would recommend sticking one inside any plastic bag that is going to hold electronics.  Sometimes the temperature changes from morning to afternoon sun can cause moisture or condensation to occur.  If you gear has remained inside a bag during this temperature change then the bag will do it's job and the condensation will appear on the outside of the bag instead of on your gear...

General Discussion / Re: Luxuries
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:48:16 am »
I would take my Android phone because it has the Kindle app as well as lots of other "tools" that could be useful, provided that a cell signal is available.  Weather, internet, blogging, camera, gps, and reading many newspapers.  I can read off line and have completed dozens of books from Amazon as well as Wattpad.  I wouldn't use the gps except in the case of emergencies because it is the biggest power hog and would only last a few hours if active.  It's a nice toy but the power supply would be an issue because it only holds a charge for about 36-40 hours.  In the case of traveling I guess I would turn it off unless I was actively using to extend the service period between power outlets.

General Discussion / Re: finishing
« on: February 04, 2011, 02:03:50 pm »
I find it hard to not comment here so please forgive me for my ignorance.  I haven't ridden anything longer than a 15 miles so I really can't speak from bicycling experience.  However, I have ridden motorcycles for many many years.  I can tell you that I love the ride and barely give a hoot about the destination.  It would seem normal for me that ten minutes after I arrive somewhere that I am ready to get back on the road.  This can drive my wife nuts but I love the ride.  Usually, it doesn't matter where we're going as long as I riding.

Now, I'm ready to sell my motorcycle and transfer my wanderlust to bicycling.  I dream of touring a lot and look forward to getting out there.  This is easy to say with virtually zero experience, but I have always been a dreamer, so...I can't wait.  I know that I have so very much to learn but I am looking forward to learning something new every day and learning it while on the road.  I love adventure and live for change so I feel very excited about my opportunities in touring.

If I were qualified to answer your question, I guess I would say that I would observe the destination and end of a big crossing with bittersweet tears of excitement and joy.  Then I would look over my shoulder and wonder if there were time to go back and do it again...

General Discussion / Re: Bike Tour Birth Control
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:57:19 am »
My wife has had a Mirena implanted and it has been wonderful.  Things have really mellowed out and cycles are very slight.  I know it's expensive but the results have been really good and I can recommend this method because of the complete lack of "supplies" or maintenance.  Some insurance covers the cost but you have to check with your carrier.  This little device has really change our lives.

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