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Messages - bigringer

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General Discussion / Overtraining - Real, or Myth?
« on: May 03, 2007, 03:45:36 pm »
road whimp. one last thought on the subject.  I agree with everything that has been written.  one thing to take into consideration is that we are all individuals, and what works for one person might not for another.  everything written here is just advice and you need to fine tune it to fit your particular style. I remembering fisishing fourth in the first race I entered and feeling like a failure because I led the race for all but the finish.  that told me I just needed to train harder. If you are not the type of person to ride at 95% of you max for two hours you probably don't need to worry about overtraining. If you are serious about improving your fitness level that is another issue.
     I got into endurance cycling after getting divorced, losing my job, and my drivers liscense to drunk driving.  I was fifty pounds overweight, suffered from high blood pressure, glaucoma and have since been diagnosed bipolar.  since then I have been able to control my blood pressure glaucoma and depression all through exercise, and have managed to stay sober.  So don't be afraid to push yourself, even if you do end up in that .01% of people who are capable of overtraining.

General Discussion / Overtraining - Real, or Myth?
« on: May 03, 2007, 08:44:35 am »
boonebikeguy I couldn't agree with you more.  even though my handle is bigringer, I got that nickname when I was a newbie.  I used to grind the biggest gear I could.  I dropped about fifty pounds, my resting heart rate dropped to the low fifties, and my depression went away.  I was hooked.  I used to ride at race intensity every chance I could get.  on the tuesday group rides I was the one who wouldn't ride at an easy pace and had to be the first one over every hill and win all the sprints.  I would force myself to get up at four am so I could do intervals before work.  
  then one day I started to get tendonitis in my knees.  my resting heart rate started going up.  My heart rate wouldn't elevate on a hard exertion.  worst of all my depression started to come back.  when I discussed it with my doctors they didn't understand.  exercise is supposed to make you feel better.  I WAS RUINING THE ONE THING THAT MADE ME FEEL GOOD.
    so roadwinp I think I know how you feel right now.  my friends used to tell me to rest,  but I wouldn't listen.  Here is something that works for me.  Time yourself on a route you do regular.  Ride it as fast as you can, and keep track of your time.  back off for a few days
and time yourself again.  you will probably be amamzed.  at the same time don't be afraid to push yourself, just try and listen to your body!
    by the way, I still like to keep it in the big ring, with the only exception being I like to keep my cadence around 85-90!  I would recomend a cadence meter to someone serious about their cycling.  

General Discussion / Overtraining - Real, or Myth?
« on: April 30, 2007, 09:24:40 am »
overtraining is very real.  although it is hard to actually get to that state.  To reach a higher level of fitness you need to push yourself past your current level and then recover.  daily or weekly mileage is not a real good measure of exertion because there is a big difference between riding 12 mph and 19 mph.  my best advice if you are serious about increasing you fitness it to obtain a heart rate monitor. without getting into all the specifics here I would recomend purchasing a book on the subject.  last but not least, listen to you body and let that be a guide.  when you feel strong ride harder, and when you are tired take it easy.  

General Discussion / common mistakes for first epic road trip
« on: April 27, 2007, 08:34:03 pm »
I am considering a trip from raleigh north carolina to traverse city michigan.  I am a very experienced roadie usually logging between 200-300 miles weekley.  I plan on sleeping in a tent most of the time and my most biggest concern is having a place to sleep overnight.  I am also concerned about planning a route that doesn't end up and a closed dirt road under construction with a bridge out.  that kind of stuff seems to happen on my new training routes!
  I am sure there are many things I am overlooking and taking for granted, but I am after an adverture!

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