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Messages - VQV

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Cycling in San Francisco, suggestion for a 40 miles loop???
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:12:04 am »
Wow...great suggestion.  That is what I was looking for!  Thanks!

Routes / Cycling in San Francisco, suggestion for a 40 miles loop???
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:02:30 am »
Hello to all San Francisco cyclists!!!

Vélo Québec Voyages is organising a cross America tour in 2012 and this tour will start in San Francisco.  We will spend our first day in your beautiful city and would like to offer a loop in the city.

I'm looking for a loop ride of about 40 miles that will take us to the places a tourist would like to discover, to nice hidden spots, nice areas, streets, etc...  As cyclists, we will not take the time to enter museum, but would rather discover the sights/sceneries the city as to offer.  If possible I would like to loop to pass on the Golden Gate to Sausalito and take the ferry back.  I would like to cycle on some of the famous streets of SF, the one that offer good view points.  I would like to discover different part of the city, some known to tourist but also, some known only to the locals.

I would like to loop to take bike paths when available or bike friendly streets also when available.  But, like in any city, it is ok to take regular low traffic streets as well.
Please...send me your favourite itinerary!!!

Can’t wait to see what you have to say!

Merci beaucoup et au plaisir!

Routes / Re: Leadville to Minturn to Vail pass to Breckenridge???
« on: February 23, 2011, 08:34:53 am »
Thanks!  I checked out the Copper Triangle! 

On that day, we will offer both the short direct option and the long option by Vail pass.

Routes / Re: Independence pass
« on: February 23, 2011, 08:24:46 am »
Thanks to all of you!  I'm glab to hear that it is weel worth the effort!
We will keep it on our itinary!

Au plaisir,

Routes / Best route from St Louis to Washington
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:16:01 pm »

I'm looking at the best route from St Louis to Washington???  From St Louis, I want to head to Kentucky and then hook up with the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia south or in Roanoke.

From St Louis, diretly east or south east?  Then, more less the best way to cross Kentucky?  The route 76 seems a little too south, other alternative? 

Then, more less, where to leave the Blue Ridge to head to Washington and the best approche direction?  Should we arrive south, north or west to cross the suburbs into Washington, DC??

Merci de votre aide!
Au plaisir

Routes / Waynesboro to Washington, DC
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:08:48 pm »
What do you think would be the best way to reach Washington from Waynesboro in 3 days (or 2)???

Should we approche DC from the south, to north or the west??

What is the best way to cross the busy suburbs in Virnigia?


Routes / From St Louis to Kentucky? Crossing Kentucky??
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:06:27 pm »
Vélo Québec Voyages is planning a Cross America Bike trip in 2012.  I would like to have advices on the best route to take to cycle from St Louis to Kentucky??

Would it be best to go directly east to Vincennes and cross Kentucky on a more northern route?
From St Louis take a south or south east direction to enter Kentucky in Shawneetown?

And....what would be the best route to cross Kentucky??  We really would like to see the best of the state and see a bigger city or two.  We want to enter Virginia to hoop up with the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Routes / Leadville to Minturn to Vail pass to Breckenridge???
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:57:09 am »
Can anyone give me information about this route???

Leadville to Minturn to Vail pass to Breckenridge???

It is a long day, is it faisible??  Level of difficulty??

Merci beaucoup!

Routes / Independence pass
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:54:34 am »
Can anyone give me information about riding Independence Pass from Aspen to Leadville?  The difficulty level?  The sceneries? The downhill? The weather around mi-july? 

We want to include this pass in our Cross America Tour in 2012.

Someone told that the road was is true?

Please, I you rode it, tell me about it!

Merci beaucoup!!!

Pages: [1]