I am a Brit cyclist from just outside London and just wanted to say hi to all here.
I have just returned from two unsupported cyclecamping tours this summer:
1) From Bremen in northern Germany down the German rivers into Basel switzerland via the bodensee (lake constance). 12 days with ride partner
2) Calais in northern france down to Montpellier on the southern french coast. 10 days solo
I would happily help/share any info/experiences with anybody looking to do those trips sometime, or even just interested.
I have a 'pipe dream' to ride across the states sometime. I figure it must be about three times the distance of the trans France ride but given the right preparation I know I could do it. So i would be very interested in any route suggestions, best time of year for the routes, tips, hints etc etc that anybody might be able to offer. I know NOTHING about the USA in terms of geography, climate, locations etc so am looking to get edookated lol! I should say that I am not a big climber..I can handle hills but mountains aint my thing really, especially those big type mouintains you have in the states! I prefer moderate temperatures...by which I mean i would prefer to avoid extreme heat and freezing winter conditions if possible. Scenery is a good thing, but my aim is to cross America reasonably directly and as cheap as possible.
Oh one thing...my forum name is just something i use On a brit cycle board which I joined when i was seriously heavy...I lost a LOT of weight due to cycling and intend to keep it off...I'm a bit fitter now! I tend to ride between 100-120 km a day...(I guess thats around 80 miles approx??)
Anyway cheers.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live"
This message was edited by Bigtallfatbloke on 8-26-08 @ 2:13 PM