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Messages - SP

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Link to my 2015 Trip
No real issues with finding campgrounds, though we didn't get to Glacier until early July.


Gear Talk / Re: panniers
« on: June 06, 2009, 02:27:50 am »
Buy the best you can afford.

Gear Talk / "Adventure/Wilderness" bikes?
« on: January 25, 2006, 10:41:49 pm »
Link to a Polish guy who did the Canning Stock Route in Western Australia.

A VERY Remote and difficult trip in a 4 wheel drive let alone on a bicycle.

Gear Talk / Wheel advice
« on: November 14, 2004, 09:13:06 am »
I use Velocity Dyad and they can take a 47 tyre

Gear Talk / Anyone name their bike?
« on: May 07, 2005, 11:51:10 am »
My offroad tourer "The Black Death", all black parts and the cost is killing me.


Routes / MidWest Route info
« on: July 25, 2007, 06:43:00 am »
 "The state generally doesn't put paved shoulders on their highways - just heavily graveled shoulders that are really not usable on a touring bike or even a mountain bike. Crossing Iowa on US34 was some of the worst bicycling I have ever done."


Routes / Sydney to Melbourne Australia
« on: September 17, 2005, 08:27:31 pm »


This link is the Australian Audax raid Aurora, Sydney to Melbourne. The route is inland and goes through the Snowy Mountains and Alpine areas.

Most small towns in Australia have camping facilities in caravan parks or you can ask at country pubs if you can camp in their back yards ( my favourite)if there are no camping facilities in town. Camping is acceptable in most roadside rest areas; however toilet and wash facilities are primitive to say the least in these rest areas.


Routes / Tour de Wyoming
« on: June 21, 2005, 09:54:18 am »
I am in the planning stages for a 6 week tour next northern summer, at this stage I intend to fly into Denver, Colorado and head north to Cheyenne, Newcastle, west to Cody then through Yellowstone , south to Jackson,Kemmerer and finally east back to Denver.
Does any one have any tips on roads to avoid or places that are must see?
My plan is to try and average 50 miles per day and I am planning to camp and cook so I will be fully loaded.


Routes / Great Parks
« on: January 04, 2005, 09:50:04 am »
Can any one give me an estimate of how long time wise it would take to go from Denver Colorado to Calgary Alberta via Great Parks route.
I would be going fully self supported and camping all the way. I am looking at averaging 50 mile per day.


General Discussion / Cycling Holiday
« on: January 25, 2006, 09:56:23 pm »
There is not a lot of anything along the northern coast of Scotland.
I rode from Bettyhill to Thurso and on to John o'Groats at the conclusion of my LEJOG trip in 2001 and it was the worst days weather I had in 5 months of touring( XC USA then LEJOG ).
Expect strong winds , both tail and head, midges and very little in the way of habitation.
Thurso has hostels and B&Bs there is also a Pub and camping area at Bettyhill, Tounge has a hostel and B&Bs.

General Discussion / NZ - A Gr8 place to tour!
« on: May 07, 2005, 09:35:18 am »
The best guides for cycling in NZ are the 2 books by Nigel Rushton " Pedallers' Paradise". There is one for North Island and South Island. For off road adventures there is "Classic New Zealand Mountain Bike Rides" by By Jonathan, Simon and Paul Kennett, and Patrick Morgan. ISBN 0-9583490-6-1 . A very informative book by locals who are big into MTBing.

I can attest to the excellence of Motorcamps and the hostels in NZ, I have done 2 major trips to the South Is and have hardly ever used my stove, now I just take it for emergiencies.


General Discussion / Trans-Am trip costs
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:19:12 am »
I did a XC trip 4 Years ago and my budget for camping and hostelling was $30 per day. This was easily achieved out west and in the mid west but the further east i went the more expensive the camping became.

I only ate in restaurents on 4 occasions, cooked the rest of the time, Biggest problem was finding coleman fuel in small quantities( mostly found it in gallon cans).


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