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Topics - Bicycle Rider

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / R.I.P. June Curry (A.K.A. "The Cookie Lady)
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:43:27 pm »
I heard that June Curry, the long standing "Trail Angel" of the Trans Am route (ever since it's beginning, in fact) has passed away. This is certainly not by any definition 'new' news, as it happened last July 16th (

Yet for some reason there is no mention of it on any of the forums that I have found, nor in the addenda for that section of the route. So I decided to start this thread in memory of her, and for anyone to ask questions about her or what effects her passing will have on that part of the route.

I never got a chance to meet her, I was in fact on the Trans-Am trail at the time, crossing the country and looking forward to meeting her when I got there when she passed. I was in Kansas at the time ( ).

Somehow, thinking I will have to say I did the TransAmerica route without being able to see her takes a rather significant piece out of the accomplishment.

Routes / Addendums
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:22:16 am »
I recieved a bunch of maps and the addendums for them a few months ago. However, I won't be using them untill at least May of next year, so I'm wondering about the addendums. I'll try and ask this in a way everyone can understand (it has me confused, anyway)...

If I were to order more up to date addendums in the future, will they include the corrections listed on the addendums I have? How will they relate to the maps and addendums I have now? Is any of this any clearer to you than it looks to me (I hope)? ??? ???

General Discussion / Addendums
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:51:32 pm »
I have all the maps I will need for my upcoming TA trip, and the addendums for them. However, I won't start using those maps until almost June of next year, and I am wondering about the addendums. How long are the changes valid? Do I have to keep checking until I need them and constantly update the maps? Or do I only need the mosrt recent addendum (meaning I can throw the old ones away)?

Routes / Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:05:42 pm »
I haven't exactly gotten an overabundance of help with my other queries, but since this is about an actual A.C.A. route, maybe I'll get lucky this time. :)

My question is about the Western Express Route (west to east) particularly the regions listed above which are described by the map pages in the A.C.A. web site as very remote, with few if any resources. Is it even possible to do this route on a self contained (no sag) tour? Has anyone done it? What recommendations do you have, aside from extra water and/or a water filter?

I'm not really looking forward to attempting a fully packed tour de force series of 100+ mile days (40-60 would be more my style).

Routes / Bikable roads from Louisiana to Denton TX
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:38:04 pm »
Any recommendations for U.S. or State highways, roads or cities/towns I might use or should avoid, please post suggestions here. My journey will be a self contained combination of camping and motel (I prefer camping). I hope to enter Texas (ideally) somewhere in the area around the I-20 corridor.

From Denton I plan to connect to Historic Rt. 66. Is U.S. 287 an OK road to use?

Thanks :)

Routes / Crossing Mississippi (East to west)
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:19:34 pm »
I need advice on crossing the state of Mississippi from the east to west. Because of my ultimate plans I cannot wander too far south of Interstate 20. Any recommendations for U.S. or State highways, roads or cities/towns I might use or should avoid, please post suggestions here. My journey will be a self contained combination of camping and motel (I prefer camping).

Thank you for y'alls help :)

Routes / Bikable roads (westbound) from Anniston to Mississippi
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:16:29 pm »
I need recommendations for building an east to west route crossing Alabama from Anniston (west end of the Chief Ladiga Rail/Trail), to the Mississippi line. Because of my final destination, I cannot wander too far South than Interstate 20. Any recommendations for U.S. or State highways, roads or cities/towns I might use or should avoid, please post suggestions here. My journey will be a self contained combination of camping and motel (I preffer camping)

The A.C.A. Southern Tier is not an option, as it will add over 8 days to my journey.

Bike Clubs / any NON-racing clubs/groups in South Carolina?
« on: August 23, 2011, 01:07:08 pm »
the only ones I have found seem to be incapable of riding slower than 17 miles an hour! >:( :'(

I live in the Piedmont region about 40 miles north of Columbia.

South Atlantic / Best [bicycling] roads from Asheville to Nashville
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:47:25 pm »
Asheville area, actually.

I know how to get as far as Hendersonville, if Asheville itself is an area to be avoided.  I will also be riding self contained, Camping is an option as I will be equipped for it. My goal is the Natchez Trace parkway.

Routes / Shelf life of A.C.A. maps
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:11:11 pm »
Do they change them a lot? If I were to buy on now, would it still be reliable in, say 2 years? Aside from unpredictalbe things like road closures due to construction or damage, naturally.

South / Jackson mississippi to "Dallas" Texas
« on: August 20, 2011, 02:40:29 pm »
I am in the process of making route from my home on South Carolina to my daughters in Denton Texas, which is just north of Dallas. The Natchez Trace looks like a good way to get as far west as Jackson, Mississippi, does anyone know of some good bicycling roads from there to Denton? ???

General Discussion / Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:36:53 pm »
I have had to use the "forgot your password" option twice today, and I typed in the exact same password both times, succesfully. Since I didn't get a "password already in use" notice and the password is being entered by Windows I know it isn't my error. Is anyone else getting this?

Routes / Need help planning route through "the land of cotton".
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:20:27 pm »
This is my first post here, so please excuse me if I inadvertently step on any "A.C.A. Forum specific" rules of etiquette. :-[

I am in the primary stages of planning a double cross country bike trip. It will be a combination of camp & motel, all self contained (I will post in the companions wanted section when I have a planned route). My intention is to start in late February or early March 2013, (Mayan calenders permitting ;) ). The itinerary so far is as follows: I want to start from my home just north of Columbia, SC, travel along "a southern route" so I can make a stop at my daughter's house just north on Dallas TX. I will be ending my western leg at my brother's house in L.A. From there I will ride north up to Paso Robles in time for the Great Western Bicycle Rally (Memorial Day weekend), then back home accessing the "Classic" Trans America trail via the Western Express route. The second half is easy, as the routes are almost completely mapped already. It is the Southern outbound route however that is causing me problems.

Originally I figured the Southern Tier would be the way out, however upon looking at it I see it goes completely out of my way. It is way too far south, also the Classic route is too far north. In fact if it weren't for the Underground Railroad route the entire Southeast would be barren of A.C.A. routes. It is almost as if A.C.A. is purposely trying to avoid this entire part of the country, preferring to go around rather than through it. Now back in 1982 I drove from San Diego to Dallas via U.S. 380, which was a nice quiet road, but rather barren as far as places to stay. At least on a bicycle, and of course that was almost thirty years ago. goodness knows what it is like now.

So, after my long overly winded explanation, here is my question: Does anyone know of a safe, scenic, self-contained-bicycle-tourist-friendly route through the center of the Dixie states? Mapping programs (I have DeLorme's TopoUSA 8.0 on my computer) show where roads go, but really nothing about them. I have browsed this forum all the way back to January this year and found nothing relevant to my needs.

Please help. ??? :'(

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