Routes / Eldorado, tx to El Paso, tx - URGENT reply needed if possible.
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:12:49 pm »I hope you are well. Sorry for this "urgent" request, but having done all the research I am having doubts about our route from Eldorado to El Paso. Options:
1) Take the 1-10 to Van Horn and then follow Southern Tier route.
2) Cycle up to Pecos and then travel down the 20 onto the 10 (longer and still on highways)
3) Any other options greatly appreciated.
We are in big hurry so the quickest route would be great. (I would love to joing the southern tier, but not an option atm)
Our website is , we are airming to get across in around 27 days, and have had quite a few bike issues so would really appreciate your help with this one.
Many thanks in advance William