« on: April 06, 2018, 12:35:54 pm »
SaemiVald, I think you're going to have a great trip and you'll find, barring crazy headwinds, that your mileage goals will be easy to meet with the relatively long Summer days (not as long as Iceland though!). I'm going to be finishing up a cross country tour that was cut short last year starting in late May in Wisconsin but will be on the Northern Tier. Too bad as we'll miss the opportunity to spit in each others faces as we grind past each other in full tuck position grunting like Andy Hampsten on the Passo Duran;).
Relative to warnings about "Trump Country", that's perhaps a little more nuanced than many would have you believe. I rode through these areas last summer and the people were awesome.
The story of the 2016 US election is a very complicated one that many on the left haven't fully accepted and I'd like to give you some background. We had a president for eight years who was an absolutely world class orator but basically did nothing for the middle class in rural America. There were a lot of misrepresentations about policies which were supposed to help these folks but instead did the opposite. The media, loving the world class orator, did little to focus on his policy faults and people started to rightfully distrust their message and began to question whether the Democratic party had their best interest in mind.
As we approached the 2016 election during primary season there were two very pivotal things that occurred. The liberal media, in a likely effort to get Hillary elected, did everything they could to cover Trump as much as possible while ignoring his Republican competitors. After all, there was absolutely no way that Trump could prevail over Hillary. The media even had negative stories on Trump that they buried during the primaries but somehow surfaced once Trump was nominated as Hillary's opponent (see NBC News/Access Hollywood). Additionally, having now created this Trump phenomenon, the media and the powers that be in the Democratic Party decided that they needed to derail Hillary's populist primary opponent (who might have had difficulty defeating Trump as a Socialist) so they did things like give Hillary debate questions in advance of debates. Meanwhile you had the FBI helping cover up for Hillary with her classified email server scandal which would have landed most folks in jail.
So here we are in November 2016, we have a disgusted rural/middle America which is reeling from at least 16 years of poor executive leadership and a financial recovery which seemed to have passed them by. In addition you had a real sense of cynicism towards the dishonest mainstream media and even trusted entities like the FBI. Thus the perfect storm for the folks to give a big middle finger to the establishment. Most people I know who voted for Trump (including myself) voted for him not by embracing the man or his values but because the alternative was unacceptable and it was time for change. The swamp needed draining. Trump is hardly an ideal man or an ideal president and the people who voted for Trump understand that. That's the important nuance that you need to know when alarmists might try to warn you about "Trump Country". These people in general don't embrace Trump's rough edges, they were fed up and decided on a different route. I'm confident that you'll come to the same conclusion as I did about "Trump Country".
Amusingly, the warnings about "Trump Country" are the same type of virtue signaling that you get from those guys looking down their noses at you for planning high mileage days. Take them for what they're worth.
Cheers and enjoy the tour!