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Topics - ntaylor

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CR 603 between Tabscott and Kents Store is closed due to flooding. A cyclist who called ACA mentioned he spoke to a road worker who said that there may be other closures in the areas due to local heavy rains, but that water levels should start dropping quickly, so closures will likely be temporary. VA DOT has not posted any detours. A workable detour on mostly low traffic county roads (based on satellite imagery, Google traffic data) can be found in the following map link:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

The Bluewater Ferry across the St. Clair River between Marine City MI and Sombra ON has been compromised by ice dams over the winter of 2018. Officials don't know whether the ferry will re-open.

Multiple new outlets reporting on the situation, including these:

There is a ferry to the south between Walpole Island ON and Algonac MI.
Bicycles are $2.00.
First Ferry from Canada: 6:50 a.m. First Ferry from USA: 7:00 a.m.
Last Ferry from Canada: 9:45 p.m.    Last Ferry from USA: 10:00 p.m.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

There is a section of SR 106 4 mi. W. of Ellington, MO that will be closed from Aug 10-Sep 11 2017. A signed detour has been posted. According to a cyclist who was recently in the area: "There is a road closed sign approx. ½ mile before the actual closure. At the site where the road is being repaired there is a second barricade. You can exit the highway at the barricade (make a right) and use the dry creek road to get around the area. The county has opened the creek bottom up to local traffic."

Here is a news release of the closure:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

Per ODOT, chip sealing/bridge repair project will take place sometime mid-June through September on 30 miles of US 26 between intersection with SR 19 and Mt. Vernon. Flaggers and pilot cars will be directing traffic through the work zone. Plan extra time to ride through the area. Once underway, the project should take about 3 weeks to complete.

See ODOT's media release (attached) for more info. And be sure to check the ODOT website for status as project date nears:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

As of 8/21, a segment of the Lolo Trail/FR 500 is closed due to fire activity. The closure is between the route intersection with FR 560 and Pete Forks Junction, on map panels 91 and 91A.

Also the Wendover, Whitehouse, Powell and White Sand USFS campgrounds (maps 89-90) on US 12 are all closed due to fire activity.

Be sure to check the USFS Nez Perce-Clearwater Alerts and Notices webpage for updates:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

Per WDOT: State Highway 20 is closed between Thornton Creek Rd (MP 118) and SR 153 (MP 204) due to fire activity. No detour is available. This affects sizeable portions of Northern Tier Section 1, Washington Parks Section 2 and Sierra Cascades Section 1 route maps.

Also US Highway 97 is closed from milepost 299 at Riverside to milepost 303 near Tonasket. There is a detour available. This is on Northern Tier Section 1.

Cyclists are advised to keep checking the WDOT Travel Alerts webpage ( prior to riding the routes through these areas.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

The Lewis and Clark River bridge (US 101 Bus) west of Miles Crossing is closed for repair from Dec 1- approx Aug 1 2015. This closure will affect LC Sec7 map #112, TA Sec1 map #1 and PC Sec2 map #14. For updates see the project webpage here:

A detour following US 101 on the Youngs Bay Bridge should be signed during closure. Traffic is heavy but shoulders are decent.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

Atlantic Coast Section 3 maps 35-36, south of Guinea, Stonewall Jackson Rd./CR 606 is closed for bridge replacement over the Poni River (labeled "Po" River on maps) until approx. Jun 2016. For more updates, check the project website:
For a detour around the closure, see this Google Map: Note that this detour utilizes more heavily trafficked US Highway 1 for 3 miles,  and passes through the full service town of Thornburg instead of entering Guinea.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

Jackson Pike is closed to traffic for bridge deck replacement over the E. Fk. Little Miami River from Aug 18-Dec 19 2014. For NB riders it is recommended to continue on SR 133 west then north of Williamsburg, then rejoin the route west of the closure. Reverse directions for SB riders.

A Google map of the detour is here:
Project website:

Nathan Taylor
GIS Specialist
Adventure Cycling Association

The Lamine River bridge on SR 41 between Lamine and Boonville MO is being replaced during Spring/Summer 2014. In the meantime a (EB) detour exists by leaving SR 41 about 5 mi NW of Lamine and following CR K, CR M and other frontage roads along the I-70 corridor to rejoin the route on Santa Fe Trail west of Boonville. For WB riders, simply reverse directions. These roads have all been confirmed as being viable options for biking based on the MO DOT bike route maps, though cyclists may experience higher traffic flows because of the bridge closure.

Google Maps link for detour:
Bridge replacement project website:
MO DOT bike route maps:

Nathan Taylor
GIS Specialist/Cartographer
Adventure Cycling Association

As of 6/24, Bow Valley Parkway/Hwy 1A between Lake Louise and Banff is closed, and there is no projection for re-opening. This affects Great Parks North maps 6, 7 and Banff Spur. It is less clear whether the TransCanada Highway 1 between these points is also closed to cyclists. Also, the Banff Legacy Bike Trail from Banff east toward Canmore is closed. Please keep track of the fast-changing conditions on Banff National Park's Facebook page:

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