« on: May 12, 2021, 02:28:32 pm »
The Missoula Spur route is more challenging climb-wise from MSO to Seeley. It can be done in a long day by a fit, fully loaded cyclist, but be prepared to camp if you get off route or are moving slower than anticipated. The 8.4 miles on Rattlesnake Tr. is an old road, basically flat except for couple small localized hills. After crossing Franklin Bridge, the climb up singletrack E. Fork Rattlesnake Tr. 514 is a gut punch, especially if loaded down. Hike-a-bike lasts for roughly 3 miles to Sheep Mtn Tr. 513, which is mostly rideable to the Mineral Pk Lookout Rd. Next 19 miles are unpaved, USFS dirt much like other GDMBR surfaces. It's after the 2nd crossing of Belmont Cr. (on bridge, at NB mi. 37.4) that things get spicy navigation-wise. From the creek up to Game Ridge, expect a 8.8 mi. climb through a spiderweb of old, mostly decommissioned logging roads- not like most GDMBR surfaces. If you're there in the latter part of the summer, the knapweed can be thigh-high (The Nature Conservancy in partnership with local MTB group sprayed back for a couple years, but I haven't heard that this is becoming regular practice, and now covid...). For this segment, grab our GPX track, load up your device with good topos, and stop to inspect anywhere you encounter a road junction to ensure you're not going off route. If you go too far off, you could spend hours getting back on route. It's wild country back there without many other human visitors at all. Pack some bear spray. At the top of Game Ridge, FR 4337 should be marked with a gate, but I heard the sign came down recently. This road flies down to Placid Lake CG on good dirt. Have fun! This kind of route is where the "Adventure" in our name comes from! Feel free to shoot me any more questions.
Attached is a weed-covered road junction in mid July, typical of the stretch above Belmont Cr.
ACA Cartographer/Spur researcher