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Messages - ntaylor

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Ongoing logging activity on GD Canada/Elk Valley Trail between Fernie and Hosmer has made following the existing route on bike untenable for the time being. Trails BC has recommended a detour using mainly parts of PR 3 and Dicken Rd. See attached image for route section affected and rough guide to the suggested detour.

Trails BC announcement posted here, and also good place to check for future updates:

And here is the suggested detour in RWGPS format:


Despite the devastating flooding in Waverly, TN, current GRS Sec02 and UGRR Sec02 routing remains passable based on this map of Tennessee road closures:,traffic&position=36.09197477,-87.71706497,13

See attached pic for closure info circa 8/25/21.

However, touring cyclists can expect traffic delays, emergency vehicles, closed or stressed services, and other impediments to moving through the area. As such, it is probably best to avoid the area for the time being.


The ferry is scheduled to resume 8/19, per this announcement:

Though due to the nature of the closure, this date could be extended.


Flathead NF has issued an area closure due to the Whitetail Cr. Fire that includes FR 10229 and FR 9719 south of Swan Lake on GD01 Map B. See attached. Here is that order:

As far as I can tell this information has not been posted on Inciweb. Here is the Whitetail Cr. Fire webpage:

Incidentally, these roads happen to be a part of a suggested detour we have posted around an active logging operation. That detour will also apply here and get a rider around the closure area.

Here is that detour:

And here is the Map Updates and Corrections listing describing the logging detour:

(Apr 2019) Logging activity is beginning along a 23-mile stretch in the Swan River State Forest in spring 2019. It is scheduled to last through 2021. There will be heavy logging traffic and they expect 20-30 trucks coming through daily.

We highly recommend the following detour. Southbound it begins at [F] and rejoins the route at [K]. Though the existing route will be open, State Forest personnel want to minimize any potential conflicts between cyclists and truck traffic. The detour takes cyclists along unpaved roads on the east side of SR 83. It includes a total of 3.2 mi. of riding on SR 83. You can view the detour here:

If you have purchased the digital data or the Bicycle Route Navigator app, the above detour is called "GD01NAlt_D19_2018" for northbound travel and "GD01SAlt_D19_2018" for southbound travel.



Here are two options to reduce miles riding US 93. As of 7/26, these are both open but highly susceptible to change with increased fire activity.

Begins in Stryker, 17.4 mi. total, over 2000 ft gain. Riding this option avoids 30 mi. of US 93 between Stryker and Whitefish. Only services are a campground at Upper Whitefish Lake (though numerous undesignated sites along the way).

Begins in Olney, 8.8 mi. total, just under 1000 ft gain. Riding this option avoids 18 mi. of US 93 between Olney and Whitefish. No official services (though numerous undesignated campsites along the way).


According to MDT, SR 43 continues to be intermittently open and closed due to the Trail Creek (west of Wisdom) and Alder Creek (west of Wise River) fires. It is recommended that cyclists check the following road closures website in advance of passing through the area, or to gauge which detour to take. If you do stay on SR 43, expect smoky conditions. Posted speed limit through both fire areas is 35 mph. Watch for emergency vehicles and reduced visibility.


Closure map is buried in the inciweb link, so attached is the map with routes and roads closed marked. These are susceptible to change as the fire grows. Current as of June 21 2021.

Also, here is a modified RWGPS map link with SB cuesheet:


From VT local Jean-Pierre Mittaz:
Route 105, between Richford and Jay Mountain has 8 miles of road construction, with currently no pavement, at all, over this entire distance. I believe this construction will last through the summer. I made it, no flat tire, but it was painful.

Here is the project webpage, which specifies that the project will last from July-Fall 2021:

Currently, there is a detour option using SR 105A and E. Richford Slide Rd., but it appears to enter Canada for a very brief distance. This would not be viable currently since the border is closed.

I will update this post as more information becomes available.


Routes / Re: GDMBR - Missoula Spur?
« on: May 12, 2021, 02:28:32 pm »
The Missoula Spur route is more challenging climb-wise from MSO to Seeley. It can be done in a long day by a fit, fully loaded cyclist, but be prepared to camp if you get off route or are moving slower than anticipated. The 8.4 miles on Rattlesnake Tr. is an old road, basically flat except for couple small localized hills. After crossing Franklin Bridge, the climb up singletrack E. Fork Rattlesnake Tr. 514 is a gut punch, especially if loaded down. Hike-a-bike lasts for roughly 3 miles to Sheep Mtn Tr. 513, which is mostly rideable to the Mineral Pk Lookout Rd. Next 19 miles are unpaved, USFS dirt much like other GDMBR surfaces. It's after the 2nd crossing of Belmont Cr. (on bridge, at NB mi. 37.4) that things get spicy navigation-wise. From the creek up to Game Ridge, expect a 8.8 mi. climb through a spiderweb of old, mostly decommissioned logging roads- not like most GDMBR surfaces. If you're there in the latter part of the summer, the knapweed can be thigh-high (The Nature Conservancy in partnership with local MTB group sprayed back for a couple years, but I haven't heard that this is becoming regular practice, and now covid...). For this segment, grab our GPX track, load up your device with good topos, and stop to inspect anywhere you encounter a road junction to ensure you're not going off route. If you go too far off, you could spend hours getting back on route. It's wild country back there without many other human visitors at all. Pack some bear spray. At the top of Game Ridge, FR 4337 should be marked with a gate, but I heard the sign came down recently. This road flies down to Placid Lake CG on good dirt. Have fun! This kind of route is where the "Adventure" in our name comes from! Feel free to shoot me any more questions.

Attached is a weed-covered road junction in mid July, typical of the stretch above Belmont Cr.

ACA Cartographer/Spur researcher

This from Escanaba local/ACA member Daniel Vader:

There is a road construction project planned on the North Lakes affecting the route in Delta County Michigan. The resurfacing project will affect SR 69 in Michigan from Schaefer to the turn East. A good detour is available by turning East onto 17th Road to G Road to I Road to original route. I live near here and this detour is a nice ride.

Here is Daniel's proposed detour:

According to the project website,,4669,7-192-29907-558358--,00.html, the project will begin May 17 and last through July 2021. It is recommended to check the status before touring the route this summer.

ACA Cartographer

A working link to the RWGPS map is here:


There has been a landslide on White Rock Mtn. Rd. and the USFS has been slow to respond.
Attached is the map area in question.

And here is a detour on Shores Lake Rd. suggested by Chuck Campbell, the ARHC route designer:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer

Routes / Re: Missoula Spur
« on: August 19, 2020, 06:14:03 pm »
That sounds rough. Do you mind sending me an email off the forum? I'd like to figure out if some of the navigational "keys" we use in the narrative descriptions have changed. The fact that you couldn't find the FR 4337 road and gate makes me wonder if some signs or other features have been removed/vandalized/etc. There are so few signs in this neck of the woods. If I can change the descriptions to avoid more folks getting lost I certainly will.


Routes / Re: Missoula Spur
« on: August 19, 2020, 04:31:31 pm »
Hi Alden-
Sorry that you had a hard time route-finding on the Missoula Spur. It is a challenging route for most riders, but especially northbound from Missoula. Can you tell me how you were navigating? Print map? GPX data or mobile app? During mapping, we realized the detail limitation of our print map scale to help with winding through that web of old logging roads. Therefore we made sure to add a recommendation to use our digital data on a device as a supplement to print maps-- the ability to zoom into the route line to figure out which direction to bear at a Y, for instance, is invaluable. Attached you'll find this recommendation as it is stated on maps.

As for the overgrown grasses and weeds, many of the lands that the Missoula Spur brings riders through are in a long-term process of ownership transition. The Nature Conservancy, US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management jointly manage these lands, but some swapping between the agencies is occurring. Weed mitigation has happened along the route, but this is not an annual practice, and not enough to weather the land exchanges and current economic climate. This year, for instance, I am fairly certain the weeds were not knocked back with spray so were quite high, as you note. We realized these factors when deciding to map the route but still felt that it offered quite a lot as a bikepacking route in terms of adventure, physical challenge, historic/cultural significance, and potential for future development.

I'm happy to talk more with you about the Spur if you like. Please contact me at ntaylor(at) if you are interested!

ACA Cartographer

More info on the Williams Fork Fire can be found here:

As of 8/18, it is closing GD Sec04 main route from near the Horseshoe CG (SB mi. 92.1) south to East Branch Reservoir (SB mi. 96.4) on the north side of Ute Pass. The detour is at turn J, SB mi. 66.4, continue straight on SR 9. As Patbikes noted, CR 30 provides a respite from the highway around Green Mountain Reservoir. South of the reservoir, SR 9 will be rejoined into Silverthorne. Attached is a map for reference. And here is a RWGPS map of the detour:

ACA Cartographer

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