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Topics - Some Guy Ridin

Pages: [1]
I've read in some of the blogs that different telephone service providers are better for cross-country riding than others - that some have good coverage across the country and others have terrible coverage. I currently have Sprint. I believe I've read or heard that Verizon provides the best coverage but I've heard absolutely nothing about Sprint. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with the different service providers that might help me choose the correct one?

I'm planning to cross the country this year, supported, and am wondering what is the best/most efficient in size/cost/benefit technology to take in order to stay connected to current news, emails, blogs, books etc.? Is it possible to have satelite connections thus not worrying about towers? Suggestions and advice wanted.

Classifieds / Front-Roller Classic Panniers
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:42:03 pm »
For Sale: Ortlieb Waterproof Front-Roller Classics, yellow, pair,
11.8x9.8x5.5 inches 1526
Never used.

$80 plus shipping (? $15 or less ? )

Respond to or call 636-926-8778.

Gear Talk / Saddle bags article from years ago
« on: August 31, 2012, 06:04:07 pm »
Does anyone know where I can get ahold of or read the article/study printed in Adventure Cycling Magazine (years ago) about the best way carry panniers? Front wheels high, front wheels low, back wheels, blah, blah ... etc.

It was a great article. I'm just now getting into self contained travel and would like to reread it.

Any other articles on panniers, where, how,why etc.. would be helpful too.


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