Gear Talk / Re: less usual but very helpful road bike components, tools, and accessories
« on: December 05, 2012, 06:43:39 am »Posting it was intended to serve three purposes, ideally. One, save some beginners countless hours of research. Two, let more experienced cyclists take away the one good idea or product they may have overlooked. Three, gain suggestions for both deletion and addition.
I say ideally: I wasn't sure anyone at all would read it; figured it'd at least organize that greasy portion of my brain devoted to cycling "stuff". Turns out that twenty-five hundred riders in fifteen countries have read it, so the first two purposes have been served. The third has been served partially (relatively low rate of suggestion). One unintended purpose has also been served: a few of the cottage-industry sized companies look to have benefited, rightly, from their provision to us of really good products. For instance, Cyclelogical: Design & Ideas posted a thank-you for the mention, and Velo Orange's Dajia stand received the first or second-most clicks on its link. I have not spoken with these folks, but I suspect some orders have been placed and some riders' needs have been met.
That's the thinking behind the little piece. Sounds like you're an experienced rider, so I'd love to hear any suggestions for items missing. May also add a blurb of intent next I update the post. A couple of suggestions have already been snuck in without the magic 50 number changing, but three items will be added later today or tomorrow bringing it to 53.