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Messages - Athleteboy11

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: My First Tour (Need tips)
« on: May 29, 2014, 10:17:34 pm »
which route do you plan on taking? i've ridden 180+ mile days on the atlantic coast where the roads can be flat and straight. but wouldn't relish attempting it on the pch, where the roads are often hilly and winding. if you go inland, it looks like you may have some very big climbs to get to LA which will slow you down and eat into precious daylight hours.

i don't mean to sound quite so negative and i'm sure it can be done if you have the stamina and a good  attitude, but i don't think even at my fittest i could do that in 2-3 days!

good luck :)

Well since we plan to do this in the summer when we wont have school or anything, we really arent to pressed for time, but at the same time would like to get there as fast as we can to enjoy San Diego.

As for the route something along this route, id like to stay near the coast mainly just to see some sites, but if the terrain is significantly easier to ride more inland i would change the route

General Discussion / Re: My First Tour (Need tips)
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:21:50 am »
Oh but we are gunna take a train through LA just to be safe, but thats the thing, we havent ever really just taken a day to see how far we can get in a day and im not sure how to estimate that.  And The month, June or July

General Discussion / Re: My First Tour (Need tips)
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:09:58 pm »
Well we don't think it will take to long, maybe 3 travel days and 2-3 "Chill in SD" days.  We Have connections in a ton of places in between here and there, and a few of them are on route so we would stay with friends/relatives etc.. but if we couldnt then a motel would be the next option.  Food, we were just going to live off of fast food, protein bars, water, and fruit.

General Discussion / My First Tour (Need tips)
« on: May 04, 2014, 08:18:40 pm »
So here's the rundown, Me and two friends are very into biking and had the idea to take a "tour" (if its even long enough to be considered that) from San Jose CA to San Diego CA.  Just about over 500 miles.  Basically all im asking for are some suggestions on what to expect and how to train for the trip.  Thanks ;D

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