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Messages - etsisk

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Gear Talk / Re: 48 tooth gear on a triple chainring?
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:42:42 pm »
I've got a 24, 42, 52 in front of a 11-36 cassette, with a few week long tours in it and a lot of local riding. So far I like it.

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Gear Talk / 48 tooth gear on a triple chainring?
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:12:23 pm »
Read a comment on another thread to the effect that a 48 tooth gear on an MTB triple isn't advisable (at least that's what I think he meant). What's the consensus?

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Routes / Re: Northern Tier vs. TransAm
« on: March 17, 2017, 09:54:28 am »
Being from NC I've seen a lot of Appalachia, so while that may well have an attraction for other folks, I've been there and done that. But the route up the GAP trail and across is new to me, so I'm thinking that's the way I would go. Plus as an old *slow* guy, I don't have much in the way of interest in getting chased by dogs!

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Routes / Re: Northern Tier vs. TransAm
« on: March 17, 2017, 07:11:05 am »
If you're doing either one, you should consider the Eastern Express route that connects DC to the Transamerica route up through Pittsburgh (though there is a Pittsburgh bypass available as well). It misses the VA/KY hills and dogs. Not an ACA route, but they endorse it, kinda - ACA email is how I found out about it. Check it out...

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General Discussion / Re: ?How easy are SPD pedals to get use too?
« on: March 15, 2017, 10:57:23 pm »
I used them for years, but once I started touring long days and got tired enough, I could forget to unclip. Damn near fell over into oncoming traffic from the left turn lane. I switched to toe clips. But I'm old, you may not get forgetful when yer tired!

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Sounds like you might want to try a camping hammock.
I don't like hammock tents! and I live in Southern California and Stealth Bicycle Camping/Bicycle Touring in Southern California and very little trees to no trees
Horses for courses, I reckon. I have a terrible back and when I climb OUT of my hammock after a night's sleep, I feel better than I did when I climbed INTO the thing. That is most certainly not the case with a regular tent and sleeping pad set up.

That said, unless I'm on a trail where I know there will be trees, I take the half-dome 2+, because I know it will work. I have a cool hammock stand that breaks down to the size of a set of tent poles (for a large tent), but it requires a lot of stakes, and there are places out west where it's terribly difficult to pound in a stake, much less 18 of 'em...

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Routes / Re: Another way to cope with dogs
« on: March 11, 2017, 08:50:03 am »
I would be interested in this as well, but can't get the link to work (com or org).  Is this an ACA route?  Also, does this merge with the transam?  Will be heading east on the TA and wondering if I can easily jump off to this route.

Thanks for any help.

It does merge with the TA in Colorado, I think. West of Fort Collins. It isn't an ACA route, but they included a blurb about it in the bike bits email. Check out the link - it should answer all your questions.

EDIT: I screwed up the link - see below-

Routes / Re: Another way to cope with dogs
« on: March 08, 2017, 12:23:46 pm »
Seriously, though, check out the Eastern Express route. It starts in DC, takes the C&O and Gap trails to Pittsburgh, then other trails. Six hundred of the 2,000+ miles of it are on trails of some sort. It misses the flat Kansas farmland and goes through the plains. It misses Pueblo and goes through Fort Collins. Seems pretty great. KY etc are why I wasn't much interested in the TA route. I found out about it from an Adventure Cycling email.

EDIT:Corrected link below...

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Routes / Re: Another way to cope with dogs
« on: March 05, 2017, 01:13:59 am »
Have y'all thought about the Eastern Express route? Misses the dogs and steepest hills in Appalachia

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Gear Talk / Re: 700X40 on LHT?
« on: March 04, 2017, 04:26:00 pm »
I don't have wisdom for ya (just ask anyone that knows me!) but I'm interested in the discussion. I usually tour on a bike that I built up around a 1981 Schwinn Voyager frame and forkset, with 700c/35 tires. But I'm starting to build up my old Specialized Ground Control mountain bike for trips involving a lot of crushed rock bike trails, for the very reason you described. I won't go into it, this is your thread, but I am interested in hearing what folks have to say!

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General Discussion / Re: Rear Kickstand
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:14:00 pm »
Yup! Just stuck my 2 cents in in case the OP was thinking one was necessary. :)

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General Discussion / Re: Rear Kickstand
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:09:11 pm »
Not a tech head so any tube that is part of the frame is the frame, but yeah, chain stays

I'm not disagreeing that the stays aren't part of the frame. I'm just not inclined to believe the idea that if the stays are crushed, the frame is automatically broken. I've owned bikes with crushed chainstays for years and they didn't fail. Of course, YMMV. And one shouldn't overtighten the kickstand.
Sure I get that, but I'm not up for loading a bike like we do and taking off with any part of my frame crushed! I reckon I'm just funny like that!

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General Discussion / Re: Rear Kickstand
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:04:17 pm »
But also I've heard about kickstand plates that weren't up to the task of supporting a fully loaded touring bike

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General Discussion / Re: Rear Kickstand
« on: March 03, 2017, 08:45:15 pm »
Not a tech head so any tube that is part of the frame is the frame, but yeah, chain stays

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What exactly are CHEMICAL hand warmers? The ones that you buy at REI?
Yup, the REI type warmers.

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