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Messages - RobbieRoss

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: New York State cycling Maps
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:57:29 am »
This link is great, lots of info, but I can't -for the life of me-find any maps!  Am I crazy? The link to the map page gives a google style scalable map, but there is no route marked on it. 

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Routes / Re: Connecticut connect to Northern Tier
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:37:16 am »
Just updating, we're currently in Towanda, PA.  We're taking a week off to fly out to California for a family event.  We'll take route J up to Elmira, and most likely continue west in New York when we return. But this section of PA bike route Y has been pretty great.  REALLY well signed.  Which makes the riding easy.  Some great campsites and B&Bs.   

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Routes / Re: Connecticut connect to Northern Tier
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:08:10 pm »
Thanks for the tip!  We will check it out.
So.... Out of curiosity....where exactly are the "real hills"?
By the way, you can follow us at

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Routes / Re: Connecticut connect to Northern Tier
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:18:47 pm »
We decided on PA Y vise the online maps were really nice, made the route super clear.  We're just past Milford and the signage is great. But lots of climbing!  ;-)

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Routes / Re: Connecticut connect to Northern Tier
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:47:35 pm »
I'm super (and urgently) interested in any feedback to this.  Heading up to northern tier from NYC.  At Port Jervis NJ tonight.  Trying to decide weather to head up through NY or south through PA. Pulling my daughter in a weehoo so less hilly is helpful. 

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Youth Bicyle Travel / Re: tour with small children
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:37:04 pm »
My wife and I started taking small 2 and three day tours with our three year old in a burley this year. Next summer she will be four and our big plan is to take four months and slowly cross the country via the norther tier.  I just ordered a weehoo trailer today as we feel the burley will be too closed off and passive for her when she's 4.  The weehoo will have her "out in the world"  a bit more and has pedals.  Not that I really expect her to help up hill, but just the ability to spin her legs a bit makes the experience a bit more active. 

Youth Bicyle Travel / Re: taking the family across the country?!?
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:22:38 pm »
Sounds like an amazing adventure, and well worth the logistics. 
My wife and I are planning on crossing the country next summer (2015) via the norther tier with our four year old in a weehoo trailer.  We're NYC based and are planning on winding up in Tahoe, where my in-laws live.  But that makes us a much smaller party and the planning less complex.   :)

Pages: [1]