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Messages - jwrushman

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Routes / Re: Deception Pass State Park, Washington
« on: January 10, 2017, 06:34:33 pm »
Thanks for your input.  I feel much better about heading there. 

I was trying to find guess what some of the steepest roads are in the US.  According to Google Maps, the auto road up Mount Washington is 30 to 40% grade.  I ruined a car with manual transmission trying to do that many years ago, and ruined the brakes and transmission on the way down.  I know there's a bicycle "race" up the road.  Nothing I'm interested in trying.  Especially not on a heavy Surly Disk Trucker.

Routes / Deception Pass State Park, Washington
« on: January 10, 2017, 06:08:24 pm »
I'm looking at places to end my ride and found Deception Pass State Park and Cranberry Lake Campground.  It looks like a nice site except Google Maps shows a 23.7% grade when crossing the bridge southbound  onto Whidby Island.  Can this be true?  23.7?  We have some steep hills in NJ but I don't think I've ever ridden up anything that steep. 14.5% is the steepest I recall doing and I had to walk part of it one time.

Routes / Re: Place to finish WB Northern Tier ride
« on: January 10, 2017, 03:49:34 pm »
I've considered the route across PA and a direct route from NJ to Niagara Falls.  Although it's longer, I've decided on the Hudson River/Erie Canal option.  Part of the reason is that my wife grew up in the mid-Hudson valley and I might get a few nights of free lodging and home-cooked meals!  Even though it's early in the trip, I don't mind taking advantage of extended offers...

Routes / Re: Place to finish WB Northern Tier ride
« on: January 10, 2017, 11:40:32 am »
It's funny you should ask the question about how to get away from Sandy Hook.  I was going to post that exact question to the group for input from other New Jerseyeans.   My plan was to ride from Sandy Hook to Florham Park, where I live, and start from there the next day.  But getting out of north-central NJ is a problem due to congestion.  I can go from the shore up through Rahway, Springfield and Summit, or swing west toward New Brunswick and Bound Brook before heading north. 

Heading north from NJ, I plan to pick up the NY State Bike Route, Route 9D at Bear Mountain Bridge.  Again I'll have to deal with the congestion of northern NJ.  A direct route from Florham Park would be through East Orange and Hackensack before picking up the Pallisades Parkway.  That would be suicide.  Instead, I'll mostly stick to Route 202 through Montville to Harriman and Bear Mountain SP.

From there, I parallel the Hudson River to Albany and the Erie Canal to Niagara Falls, using part of the Northern Tier Route.  I'll follow the Lake Erie Connector along the northern border of Lake Erie, across central Michigan and take the ferry to Manitowac Wisconsin.    I'll then take North Lakes Route to Minneapolis before rejoining the Northern Tier route.   Overall, it's 3700 miles over 62 days with 6 rest days and 65 miles a day when riding.  I don't have a firm end date and may add a few more rest days. 

Routes / Re: Place to finish WB Northern Tier ride
« on: January 09, 2017, 08:20:23 pm »
But is the Sound, "The Ocean".  Some would argue that the NY harbor is close enough.  I don't think so.  And the salt water and tide goes quite away up the Hudson river.  Naaaa. 

Now, to more a more important topic.  Where's that cheesecake?  It better be good!   I may be a Michigan transplant to NJ but I've grown fond of good NY cheesecake!  Without any cracks on the surface.  And not too much stuff on the top (blueberries, cherries) or too thick a crust to hide the quintessential beauty of the filling.   A fresh-brewed black coffee on the side is fine.   


Routes / Re: Place to finish WB Northern Tier ride
« on: January 09, 2017, 07:00:17 pm »
Thanks, everyone, for your input.  If you haven't replied yet and had some thoughts, please share. 

Starting here in north-central NJ, I was contemplating where to start my journey.  I wanted to start at the Atlantic Ocean, but what counts as "The Ocean".    I settled on Sandy Hook.  From there, it's ocean as far as you can see (3400 miles to Portugal).

Looking at the map of Washington, the first unobstructed ocean looks to be La Push, Washington.  That's another 200 miles away and farther than I want to pedal.  I think I may settle for the San Juan Islands.  I've never been there and they look beautiful.

John R

Routes / Place to finish WB Northern Tier ride
« on: January 09, 2017, 10:38:14 am »
I plan to ride westbound, NJ to Anacortes, mostly using Northern Tier route in June/July of this year.  Northern Tier Route map #1 starts/ends at the Anacortes Ferry Terminal.   This doesn't seem like a very picturesque place to be finishing.  Any thoughts on places nearby?  Looking at Google Maps, Rosario Beach and Deception Pass State Park are not far away. 

Routes / Re: TransAm Summer 2017
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:10:32 pm »
I want to thank all who responded to litespeedlujak.  I didn't realize the original post was almost a year old.

I'm planning a ride - NJ to Niagara Falls and then pick up ACA routes to Northern Tier - for June and July of this year.  I got my ACA maps last month and have been planning how are I'd go per day and where I'd likely stop.  Then I realized I made a small miscalculation in the length of the route.  Instead of 3200 miles, my planned route is 3700.  Instead of 62 miles a day, I'd need to average 72 miles a day.  Whoops...

I started re-planning where I'd be stopping, re-considering how many rest days to take, when I had a revelation.  Why the h*ll am I in a hurry? My employer agreed for me to be off for two months.  What's so bad about two months and ten days?  Or twelve?  This is likely the only time I'm going to be doing this (I'm 60 yo and have other things still on my bucket list!), so I'd better make this a worthwhile adventure and not a race to meet an artificial deadline. 

Last summer, I was reading the blog of a couple doing a similar trip with their young daughter.  One of their goals was to accept any offer and adventure that presented itself.  They weren't in a race and enjoyed each day whatever was in store.    They inspired my to re-think the purpose of my trip.  Occasionally I still need reminders...

Gear Talk / Re: Solar Charger
« on: January 06, 2017, 12:11:12 am »
I purchased a Voltaic Systems "Fuse 6W" 6.0W Portable Solar Tablet Charger about a year ago in preparation for a Northern Tier trip this year.  I strap it on the top of the gear on my rear rack and it has a full charge in a couple of hours.  It seem fairly rugged and I've had no issue with it.   I use it with an Android device but the description says it's compatible with iPhone and iPad.

Routes / Re: New York State Bike Route 5 versus Erie Canalway Trail
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:12:41 pm »
Thanks for the info regarding the Erie Canal book.  Our county library system doesn't carry it, so I think I'll purchase a copy. 

Does following the canalway slow you down much?    I typically ride at about 14 mph without gear on my bike.  Fully loaded with camping gear and with rest stops, I probably average 10 or 11 mph, but this is on paved highway surfaces.   Did this surface of the canalway slow you down much?

General Discussion / Re: Trans am route, map or gpx Garmin.
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:06:57 pm »
I intend to use ACA maps and RideWithGPS.  I'm planning an east-to-west trip for 2017 mostly following Great Lakes and Northern Tier.  I've been using RideWithGPS on my own and for all my club's rides here in NJ.   I understand that downloads for the northern routes are not available for RideWithGPS.  So, if not too onerous, I plan to input the ACA route into RideWithGPS.  Yesterday, I inputted info into RideWithGPS for NJ to Niagara Falls.  It wasn't too painful.  I like the turn-by-turn directions of RideWithGPS - it allows me to daydream - but I wouldn't feel comfortable without paper backup.  I haven't received my ACA maps yet, but I think/hope they will have a wealth of information not otherwise easily available.

General Discussion / Re: Lions and tigers and bears oh my!!!
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:47:09 pm »
If you check out You Tube videos on PCT method for hanging food bags, you'll be fine.  And as important, when you're trying to throw your weighted bag over a tree branch, you'll provide hilarious entertainment for your buddies!

Routes / Re: New York State Bike Route 5 versus Erie Canalway Trail
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:40:49 pm »
Thanks for your input.  I'm looking forward to what other's have to say.

It looks like following the Erie Canalway from Schnectady to Lockport NY is 296 miles.  Following NY Bike Route 5 is 296.  Not much difference, and it has a few good climbs.  Thanks for your input, Vertiganer.

Canalligators, what guide book are you referring to?   I'll be checking out your link to CrazyGuyOnABike shortly.

Routes / New York State Bike Route 5 versus Erie Canalway Trail
« on: December 04, 2016, 09:00:27 pm »
I'm planning a trip for next summer, part of which includes bicycling from Albany NY to Niagara Falls.  For the stretch form Albany to Syracuse, NY State Bike Route 5 more-or-less parallels the Erie Canalway Trail.  Is someone familiar with these routes?  Recommendations?   I'm planning to cover 60 miles per day.  I'll have camping gear but would prefer staying in a motel.

Gear Talk / Re: Recommendation for front light?
« on: November 30, 2016, 02:44:58 pm »
Paddleboy17, thanks for the pictures.  It looks like 1" PVC that your using - right?  I'm thinking about using handlebar tap to wrap the PVC.  I'll post a picture once it's complete.  I've still got to try the light on the helmet too. 

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