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Messages - preston uk

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General Discussion / Re: Getting out of Dulles Airport.
« on: November 15, 2015, 07:26:18 am »
Thanks for info about R11 and Skyline Drive.  The hotel I've booked does have a shuttle but I thought a bike box might be a bit too big for  it. In the past I've used a delivery box from the local bike shop. Skyline sounds better now and from Google it looks like a bonny ride.

General Discussion / Re: Getting out of Dulles Airport.
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:18:23 am »
Thanks for the advice on the Skyline. It looks like a tough way to ride my legs in, even training doesn't seem to ease the shock of a loaded bike. . I have also been  looking on Google earth at  R 11 out of Winchester , down to Staunton and then to join the Transam at Vesuvius. It looks like a pretty quiet road  unlike the 340 which seems to have a lot of traffic. There will also be some shops ! Thanks for the info about bears !  In the UK I've only been disturbed by mice.
I've found all the advice I've been given REALLY helpful in planning my trip.

General Discussion / Re: Getting out of Dulles Airport.
« on: November 13, 2015, 03:52:36 am »
many thanks for all advice. I've decided to stop being tight fisted and booked a hotel 3 miles away( which looks easy to find in the dark) with easy access to the W and OD trail.
]Bike freak : thanks for your directions . I am looking at the skyline drive as a way of linking to the transam. Are there any shops/cafes on the route ? i,ve found two campsites but no shops. Is it necessary to carry a couple of days food ?

General Discussion / Getting out of Dulles Airport.
« on: November 12, 2015, 04:40:37 am »
I'm arriving at Dulles at about 19.30 on the 1st of May . It will be dark by the time I get through customs and assemble my bike.
My plan was to find a quiet corner and doze the night away until sunrise and then head out of the airport on the Arianne way to hit the Dominion and old colonial cycle trail. Will I be allowed to hang about the airport/doze until sunrise or will security chuck me out.
Plan B was to ride out - in the dark - to the D&OC trail and camp there.
Plan C was to find a nearby hotel and ride there - in the dark- and spend my hard saved holiday money.
Has anyone got any suggestions ?
I'm not keen to ride in the dark and I doubt if I'd find a taxi willing to take my bike !
Many thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Flying with a bike . Help!
« on: November 12, 2015, 04:31:20 am »
Thanks for you advice. I've booked my tickets .I am hoping to be passing through Sacramento about 10 days before I fly out of there , I plan to call at the airport and ask advice just to put my mind at rest.
 I feel like an old fuss pot. Years ago these things didn't bother me !

General Discussion / Re: Flying with a bike . Help!
« on: November 09, 2015, 03:40:04 pm »
Thats very kind of you ! I'll book my tickets !

General Discussion / Re: Dogs n' bears
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:11:46 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I've been away so have only just seen it. I was never bothered by dogs in E. Europe ,it was the crazy drivers that terrified me.

General Discussion / Flying with a bike . Help!
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:07:50 pm »
Not literally. I'm  hoping to fly out of Sacramento (back to the UK)  but am having problems getting information about taking my bike on Alaska Airlines (a connecting flight). I can't book my bike  from this side and can't find an e mail address for them. Here are my questions !!!
1) Will I be ok with my bike in a soft bag (heavy duty , clear plastic) sold for the purpose  or do airlines insist on boxed bikes ?
2) I'll obviously have a ticket for the plane but is there ever an issue getting the bike on as extra baggage without pre-booking ?

General Discussion / Re: Dogs n' bears
« on: November 01, 2015, 07:04:16 am »
You have all been very kind. I am going to go with the pepper spray and will practice my quick draw  to become the fastest ' gun' in the west.

General Discussion / Re: camping sites in the Western USA
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:59:07 pm »
Many thanks for all the advice. I like the idea of town parks. Its unheard of in the UK where  we often get screwed for poor facilities on  infrequent campsites.

General Discussion / Dogs n' bears
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:49:53 pm »
I've read several journals of the crazyguy site. Dogs in East Kentucky seem to be a problem.  Can anyone suggest deterrents ? Do dog dazers or whistles work ?  I've also spotted that some transamers have carried 'bear boxes ' and others haven't. Given that the others have survived  are bbs really necessary ? I was going to hang tasty items from a tree. (The nearest thing we get to a dangerous mammal in the UK is a feral teenager).

Routes / Re: cheap camping near charlottesville va.
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:25:44 pm »
Many thanks , I'll wait till I get the ACA maps to see if I should bypass Charlottesville. $70 !!!!!!!!!!!  I die first.

Routes / Diversion from Western express - advice needed !
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:18:58 pm »
I'm planning to ride the Transam  west bound to Pueblo then take the western express. I am thinking of leaving the W.E. to  visit the Grand canyon North Rim. The route I had in mind is as follows :
Divert at Bluff onto either the 163 to Kayenta or 191 to Mexican Hat.
Then take the 160 and 98 to Page.
Then take the 89 to Bitter Springs.
Then the 89A to the north rim.
Then the 89 to rejoin the Western express.
I'm going to buy the Grand Canyon Connector ACA maps  but they leave a gap between Bluff and Bitter Springs.
Can anyone give me advice on the route I've planned from Bluff ? Will I be able to get water and food ?
What are the roads like ?  I saw a video blog that said the 163 was a dangerous road.
I'm hoping to be there in mid June.

Many thanks.

Routes / cheap camping near charlottesville va.
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:00:13 pm »
Does anyone know of any cheap campsites or camping spots  near Charlottesville ?  I'll be on the transam.  I've found one campsite at around $25 plus tax.

Routes / Re: Route suggestions for apr-may-june 2016
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:14:07 pm »
I'm a bit stuck for family reasons on a departure date from Washington in August , I hope to be off by the 10th. The advice about the potential problems with snow in the Sierra Nevada is helpful but there's not much I can do but hope ! If I start from the west in August I'd be running into some really unpleasant temperatures in the desert areas. I'm also hoping (time again) to fit in a quick trip down to Yosemite and then fly out of Sacramento which looks like an accessible airport , especially as I'll have to get a boxed bike there and there id a campsite not far away.
Jefreyv : I'm sure you'll do the 3,700 in 90 days ! I don't know how old you are but I'm 61. You'll do it no bother. I build up my touring fitness over 3 months and in the final month do two 75 mile rides (with hills) a week.  If you are not retired then you can do shorter rides 'arse up , head down' in high gears and leg work in the gym.
I like the look of your route out of Washington. What is the full name of the W&OD trail ? Is there a web sight for it ?

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