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Topics - PeanutButterShammyCream

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Routes / Has anybody cycled through the entire continental 48 states???
« on: November 25, 2015, 05:47:14 pm »
I am planning on doing this in March, 2016. My main issue is figuring out my route so I don't hit the dessert in the summer, and the winter in the north. I am leaving from Cali and heading east through Nevada etc....I am zig-zagging up and down through the south and mid-west, before going up the North-East. Then I will return via the North part of the country. If you did this, what did your route look like???

Routes / Can I ride from Cortez CO to Pueblo CO in early April?
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:11:44 am »
I plan on biking from California to the East Coast next spring. I will leave in March, and I plan to be in Colorado in early April. Will it be possible to cycle the "Great Parks South" route from Cortez CO to Pueblo CO in early april? Will the roads be open???? Will it be safe?

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