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Messages - tiarossi

Pages: [1]
Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Delmarva Section 1, Map 3
« on: October 26, 2024, 07:52:30 pm »
The bridge on Rt 13 over the C&D Canal at St. Georges is now open and the route can be ridden aas mapped in both directions.

The St. Georges Bridge on US 13 will be closed to all traffic including bikes until approximately October 2024. Bikes are not allowed on the adjacent William Roth Bridge on SR 1, so cyclists must use the Reedy Bridge on SR 9 south of Chesapeake City if they are continuing south to Felton or coming north from there. There is still access to the Michael Castle Trail along the north side of the C&D Canal for the Chesapeake Option for southbound cyclists.

Gear Talk / Re: Wider tires on same rims
« on: April 28, 2017, 12:12:34 am »
Thanks for that reference. The rim is marked as 16mm inside bead to inside bead, and according to Sheldon should accept a tire up to 37mm wide. I'm probably going to go with 700C x 35, and the fenders still have a little bit of wiggle room.

I am looking for a LIGHTWEIGHT comfortable pair of pants that I can wear around camp. Anybody have any recommendations? Sweat Pants??
I carry REI Sahara pants. Ultra lightweight and look pretty decent after a day tightly rolled up (that's important) in a pannier. I also carry a Sahara shirt, short or long sleeve depending on weather.

Gear Talk / Wider tires on same rims
« on: April 26, 2017, 09:58:11 am »
My Specialized Source Expert Disc came with 700 x 30 tires, which have served me well for my mostly pavement riding. As they wear, though, I'm considering going with 35mm or even 38mm tires to replace them to give handle loads better and allow some gravel and dirt road riding.

Here's my question: How much over factory size can you usually go with tires? The rims are only 21mm wide on the outside of the bead, and I want to avoid getting new rims laced onto the existing hubs. The bike has factory fenders, but up to 38mm will fit under them.

Connecting ACA Routes / Pacific Coast Route, Section 5, Map 61
« on: April 06, 2017, 12:40:25 pm »
For a fun, scenic, and unique alternative to riding through Newport Beach southbound, try bearing right on Balboa Blvd toward the peninsula and piers, about 2 or 3 miles from the end of the bike path through Huntington Beach. At the Balboa Pier area, follow the signs to the Balboa Island Ferry. It's only $1.25 to cross with your bike to Balboa Island, a cute little enclave within Newport Bay, and the ferry itself is an open flat barge that only holds three cars at a time.

Once on the island, the ferry puts you onto Agate Ave. Turn right on Park Ave, then left on Marine Ave. That street is lined with small shops and restaurants and worth a short visit. To leave the island, continue north on Marine across the short bridge to Bayside Drive and turn right. Take Bayside to its end at Marguerite, do a quick left, then right onto PCH in Corona Del Mar. For northbound, just reverse these directions.

If you want to stay on the island there are several AirBnB hosts with rooms available, including at least two boats. There is no camping anywhere in the area except for Crystal Cove near Laguna Beach.

Sections of the bike lane just north of San Clemente have been rerouted to the center of the road, between opposing traffic lanes, and there is no signage indicating that. This is likely due to change daily as the construction progresses.

There are ongoing construction projects along 223rd Avenue between Alameda and I-710. At Alameda you enter the traffic lane when crossing the intersection, and stay there for about 200 feet. Beyond that you ride either in the rerouted traffic lane or on the outer edge of the construction area, dodging cones and signs.

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