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Topics - timmori

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Newbie
« on: March 13, 2016, 05:53:33 pm »
Hi Folks,
I feel as though you have heard enough from us "newbies" and if so, I would be OK if you just pointed me to the right info rather than responding directly.....

I have been an avid biker for 30 years.  In a nutshell I do about 2000 miles a year on my road bike and perhaps a few hundred on my mountain bike.  I live in the Minneapolis area, so that isn't a bad tally for relatively short bike season.

I retired last year, and with the advent of the '16 bike season, I am looking at taking a few bike trips this year.  I have done RAGBRAI for 14 years, but since that ride caters to us riders I am not experienced at touring on my own.  I love my 'alone time' so I am completely OK with going solo, but I am looking at some input from you experienced folk.  One trip I am looking into is the MRT from Minneapolis to my old hometown of Dubuque Iowa.  My main concern is safety; I am concerned about all the roads without much of a shoulder.... and especially those "rednecks" who love to hassle us bikers when we are out in the boonies.   

Anyone who "gets" my concerns, will likely be the one(s) who can provide some feedback.

Thanks in advance!!!!

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