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Messages - aggie

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General Discussion / Updated ACA website and 5 year plan
« on: June 29, 2024, 11:41:45 am »
If you are a life member you received an invitation to a webinar about the new 5 year plan.  While I find most of it in line with the reason I became a life member I find one aspect both encouraging and distressing.  ACA's plan to go digital.

If you had an account prior to March 1 and purchased digital maps they were recorded in your account and it was easy to update them or transfer them to a new device.  This is no longer the case.  Some of they purchases may have transferred but not all.  It will require a call to ACA to get access (hopefully, but don't hold your breath).  The new plan will reduce the magazine to a quarterly publication with the intent to have it go 100% digital.  Have you tried to find a digital back issue after signing in on the new website.  3 months later and I am unable to obtain a digital back issue like I did before.  I enjoy having a printed copy in my hands.  Digital feels unreal and sterile.  The webinar also touted increased benefits from sponsors.  Where is the link to even see what benefits you enjoy as a member.   Even after signing in you are taken to the same page as non-members and unable to access anything requiring membership.  The web page asks you to join even though I am signed in. The only good going to your info in "My Account" is to see if your name, address, email address, and phone # is correct.  These are just a couple of the issues I've seen with the migration in my account.  I'm sure there are others.   

While I really don't have an issue with ACA going digital I find it concerning they tout it yet they haven't fixed the issues with the migration and there has been no communication about any fixes.  This makes it appear like they are ignoring the problem.  The functionality of the website appears to be no different than it was the day after the migration.  Not sure how this is supposed to make long term members feel they are getting at least a little value for their past contributions.   It seems all the turnover of staff has resulted in hiring people without any connection to the roots or original direction of ACA.  While ACA was never in my estate plan I have taken a very skeptical view of new fundraising appeals. 

General Discussion / Re: GDMBR Helena to Basin alternate route advice
« on: April 09, 2024, 12:04:32 pm »
Although I haven't traveled this route, looking at google maps there is a way to avoid riding on I-15 although you will be on a frontage road that parallels it for part of the way. 

In Helena take 11th Ave east.  It turns into Colonial Dr. and then into hwy 282.  It will parallel I-15 going south.  Follow it until you get to Jefferson City.  Then you'll cross the freeway on an unmarked road although there is a sign on I-15 for the Jefferson City exit.  Take a left at the dead end in town and continue south.  Take the second right.  You'll see a sign for Plateau 9.  This becomes Corbin Rd.  It becomes Wickes Rd and then High Ore Rd.  Follow it until just before I-15.  Make a right on the Boulder Frontage Rd.  It will take you into Basin. 

Don't know the condition of the roads but they look very low traffic and the satellite view shows them clearly.

General Discussion / Re: GDMBR cell phone company ?
« on: April 02, 2024, 10:50:03 am »
Verizon has ok coverage.  Keep in mind that for large stretches of the divide there is no coverage from any provider.

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Re: Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:01:46 pm »
The recent rains have washed out another section of the coast road.  The south bound lane washed out near the Rocky Creek Bridge.  The state parks near Big Sur have been closed indefinitely.  The road is closed just south of Notleys Landing Viewpoint.  Along with the earlier washout there is no timeline for reopening the road. 

General Discussion / Re: Is "Companions Wanted" no longer available?
« on: March 24, 2024, 11:25:27 am »
For members the ACA website "upgrade" has been an unmitigated disaster.  It obviously didn't go through beta testing to fix any bugs before it was launched.  Not only does the Companions Wanted not work but members accounts did not transfer all information.  If you have purchased GPX files it is likely only a few of them transferred to your "new" account.  If you need and update you have to call/contact ACA to have them send you a new link to access what was supposed to already be in your account.  Have you tried to look at old magazines or newsletters?    If you are like me it asks you to join even though you are a member and signed in.  As far as I can tell little information from "old" accounts transferred to the 'New" account.  It has been nearly a month since the "upgrade" and there has been almost no information from ACA on when the problems will be fixed. 

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Re: Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:25:24 am »
The road is still closed to vehicles from John Little State Natural Reserve to Kirk Creek campground.  No telling when it will reopen.  Don't know if you can ride it when construction crews are off.  There is a previous post on the detour. 

Another issue with the migrations is after I sign in I'm not able to access the newsletters or magazines.  It asks me to join again.  As far as I can tell nothing about their new system seems to work.  There should have been a beta testing before the switch.  The new system is DOA IMHO.  Hope they didn't spend a lot of money on a system that doesn't work as advertised.

I'll bet the software salesperson promised all the data would transfer over with only minor issues.  As usual there are more than minor issues that means everyone (except the salesperson) has to put in extra time and effort to correct the bugs. 

I'm even having an issue signing into the "new" homepage.  It will indicate I sign in successfully but then I can't access my account.  We'll see if it gets fixed.  It seems they haven't touched the forums yet. 

As you may be aware, ACA recently updated their web page and I required everyone to sign up for a new account.  They indicated all information in your "old" account would transfer over to the "new" account.  This may be true in the future but if you have purchased GPX maps not all of them may show in your "new" account.  This will make updating your maps at this time is not possible if you are going to be using them in the near future.  It may require you to call ACA to have them send you a link to be able to get the most recent update (if any).  I'm hoping all the old data gets transferred to the "new" account but it may take some time. 

General Discussion / Re: Amtrak lounge access with a bicycle
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:59:15 am »
As said earlier it depends on the lounge and also who is staffing the desk.  The only lounge I've ever had a problem is Chicago.  The staffer at the desk wouldn't let me enter the lounge or tell me where I could put my bike.  In the past I was able to put it in the baggage room of the lounge.  When I asked where to take my bike the staffer told me to leave the lounge.  However on my return trip a different person was at the desk and he took me to the place where I could leave my bike. 

If you have a long wait or layover the lounges are a nice place to wait.  Most have light snacks and refreshments.  Some even have a bar area at certain times of the day. 

Sometimes you have to wait at the baggage car for awhile before they take your bike.  Depending on the station some will have you go to the train a little earlier so you can load the bike before everyone else is called to the train.  (Someone is usually available to immediately load your bike.)

Rocky Mountain / Re: Vehicle parking near Missoula
« on: January 11, 2024, 06:05:39 pm »
There is an airport with long term parking.

General Discussion / Re: LA Union station to Santa Monica
« on: November 24, 2023, 01:10:07 pm »
The best way is to take LA Metro.  You will have to transfer once but is better and easier than trying to ride to Santa Monica.

Routes / Re: Southern Route in sections
« on: September 09, 2023, 11:12:37 am »
I did it in sections several years ago.  I chose the stop/start locations based on where Amtrak had baggage service so I could easily ship my bike.  Some of the start/stop locations required a little detour off the route but usually not much.  It was a good way to fit in the ride while I was still working and plan it during times when the weather was closer to ideal.   

Cycling Events / Nevada Portion of Wesern Express
« on: August 04, 2023, 11:08:13 am »
There is a fully supported ride on the Nevada portion of the Western Express.  The organizer had done the ride for the last 31 years but he is retiring and this may be the last year he does this ride (it is called OATBRAN).  He also did 2 rides around Lake Tahoe but he is retiring so he sold the rights to those rides to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society so they will be doing those rides in the future.  If you ever wanted a fully supported ride to see the wide open vistas of Nevada on Hwy 50 this year may be your last chance.

The ACA maps have a little bit of information on hotels along the route.  I did the Southern Tier as self supported and stayed in hotels along the way.  I would use the ACA maps and google maps to see what options were available as I was riding the route.  I would usually make a reservation a day or two in advance.  Nice to have a sag vehicle so if a problem arises it can pick you to stay in the next town and then bring you back to where you got picked.

The day I couldn’t make the needed miles was just before Langtry, TX.  Strong headwinds and awful chipseal made for shorter mileage day.  With a sag vehicle you should do great.

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