Nutrient mixture.When I go to more or less distant bike tours, I take with myself a nutritious mixture, two or three teaspoons of which restore my strength at halt.
I have been doing this mixture for many years myself, so share a recipe.
I take the raw chocolate (without sugar), straighten it in a stainless steel saucepan (about half the volume), then add there the salted cow butter, honey, crushed walnuts and picas nuts, raisins and dried cherries.
Sweetness can be regulated by the amount of honey in the composition.
I let the molten mass cool down a little and I pour it into a plastic container that is not afraid of transportation.
Of course, for many modern young people, this magic balsam seems to be a very unhelpful meal, but believe me, it reinforces the strength considerably.
Ten years ago, when I and my son traveled around Alaska, this sweet compound and drinking alcohol, which I give to infuse on kayenne pepper and honey with honeycomb, was always with us.
And the drink and the composition suited our friends in Alaska very well.