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Messages - StuartB

Pages: [1]
Food Talk / Re: Food Management - Bears
« on: April 29, 2018, 03:58:52 am »
Well, crap. That is all terrifying. Perhaps the USA isn't a good place to visit after all?......

As I understand it, I will be biking along the road for almost all of my trip. From the stuff I read there, the issue tends to be sneaking up on animals due to poor visibility etc. like within forested trails. I really don't think this is going to be an issue for me.

I'll keep reading, but appreciate the feedback from everyone.

Food Talk / Re: Food Management - Bears
« on: April 28, 2018, 10:53:19 pm »
I Haven't Darren. Is there anywhere you might suggest I start looking?

Food Talk / Re: Food Management - Bears
« on: April 28, 2018, 04:33:01 am »

Thanks so much for the info.


Food Talk / Food Management - Bears
« on: April 22, 2018, 02:46:19 am »
Hi Everyone,

I hope I have posted this in the best place.....

Anyway, I am planning to ride from Truckee to Vancouver via the Sierra Cascade (3, 2, 1) through August. I intend to camp most of the way. As I'm from New Zealand, where bears don't exist, my concern is around managing my food overnight etc. when camping in areas where bears might be present.

I'm really hoping people can give me some general tips, where to look for information, or explain what they do to manage this. Should food be sealed and stored somewhere specific overnight etc.

Any feedback welcome!

Kind regards,

Routes / Re: miles per day on Sierra Cascade
« on: April 01, 2018, 08:52:36 pm »
Thanks everyone for your comments.

Gear Talk / Re: B17 in the wet
« on: April 01, 2018, 08:46:59 pm »
Thanks for all your input everyone. Some useful insights.

Routes / miles per day on Sierra Cascade
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:44:35 am »
Hi there,

I'm interested to know what people think is reasonable to cover in a day, consistently. I am preparing to complete legs 3, 2 and 1 of the Sierra Cascade route through August, 25 days allowed for. By my calculation that is about 55 mi per day, not allowing for and rest, sight seeing, or break down days etc. It seems ridiculous even writing this.

Perhaps there are some sections, I will need to get public transport. Just keen to read any feedback from anyone who has completed these sections and could offer up any advice.

Thanks in advance,

Gear Talk / Re: Stored Schwable Marathons
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:39:31 am »
Sorry, I don't have an answer for you, but interested in any replies as I have the same situation with a set of Continental Top Contact II.....

Good luck hikerjer.

Gear Talk / B17 in the wet
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:35:47 am »
Hi all,

So I have just purchased my first Brooks saddle, its still in the uncomfortable "breaking in" stage  :)

Anyway, as I'm new to these, i thought I'd ask what people thought about riding in the wet. Can i damage my saddle, do i need to cover it, do i need fenders!? Not really too keen on biking long distance with fenders.

Thanks for your replies.


General Discussion / Re: Planning Trip / Intro
« on: March 24, 2018, 04:41:16 am »
One day I'd like to pull off one of these "Century" rides speak of. 100 miles would be the bees knees, but my conscience would all me to count 100km. What would that be called? An English Century?  :o

100 km is pretty respectable, but it's a "metric century."  Miles were an English unit before the Brits went metric, so the English century is still 100 miles.

As I'm from New Zealand and we use the metric system, I have to multiply everything you are all discussing by 1.6!

I haven’t ridden the Sierra Cascade route except for local day rides on some sections like Crater lake and Lassen National Park. (I live close to Truckee) but I’ve been on most of the route you describe by car in various trips.  I think the plan looks very reasonable.  I love Portland too.  It’s an awesome city so if you want to spend some time there this should work well.  From Astoria north you won’t be spending so much time on the coastline as you would going south so I think riding on the inland side of the road shouldn’t be a problem..

I would probably prefer to cross over to the coast passing through Eugene to Florence and the enjoy some od the most beautiful coastal section going up the Oregon coast but that’s me and I have already visited Portland several times.

Thanks for your comments Nyimbo. It would be nice to see some coastline especially after having been so far inland for a while. I'm still pondering at this stage. I'm keen to hear if I am missing out on some great scenery etc. by not completing the last leg of the SC route.

You can easily join the Pacific Coast route from Portland by using Hwy 30 to Astoria or using the Lewis and Clark route.  As you head north from Astoria you will generally have headwinds all the way to Vancouver. 

Thanks aggie. That sounds like some sole destroying head wind! This may be enough to change my plan, and remain on the Sierra Cascade all the way North!

Hi all,

I am from New Zealand, and planning to complete a tour in the USA through August. At this stage, my plan is to start at Truckee (6 August) and head north along the Sierra Cascade route. I was think that I would complete two sections, north and then cross over via Portland and link up with the Pacific Coast route and finish up in Vancouver. It is my goal to finish in Vancouver, so this made sense to me.

I would love some feedback around this given I have not toured in the US before. Do people think, i am better to complete the Sierra Cascade Route to Sumas, WA or would my proposal work out OK? If I'm honest, I am probably just keen to visit Portland and thought the northern part of the Pacific Coast route looked interesting and offered a nice contrast to being inland for the initial part of my trip.

Keen to hear what people have to say. :)

Kind regards,

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