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Messages - rwinot25

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Routes / Re: Rhode Island to Bar Harbor, Maine. fully loaded tour
« on: January 23, 2024, 03:14:08 pm »
When I did my multi-state New England tour from my home here in Connecticut, I crossed Rhode Island and headed to Cape Cod. I then took the ferry from Providence to Boston and connected with the Atlantic Coast route via the Boston Spur. the route passes through colonial New England before approaching the coast near Rye New Hampshire. the remaining trip up the Atlantic coast route is absolutely spectacular!   

Routes / Re: Pittsburgh to Buffalo route
« on: December 04, 2023, 09:14:23 pm »
 When I left Pittsburg after completing the C+O/Gap Trail in August 2021 I followed Rt 51 north and west away from Pittsburg. I continued to Rochester on 51 then headed north on Rt 18 west of New Castle to the Stavich Bike Trail. I followed that towards Youngstown Ohio. From there I made my way north and west to The Western Reserve Greenway. The Western Reserve Greenway goes to Ashtabula Ohio. From there follow the Northern Tier to Buffalo. I which I could be more specific on my actual route, I trusted Google Maps to guide me. six days for me to go from Pitt to Buffalo.

If you search Pittsburgh to Buffalo in the search box, the second thread is my previous discussion on this route. The title of the post was Pittsburg Spur dated Aug. 25 2021.

Gear Talk / Re: PedalCell
« on: October 31, 2023, 01:08:39 pm »
Pedalcell has announced they are closing up shop. All product is discounted for quick sale.

Gear Talk / Re: Bluetooth speaker
« on: July 01, 2023, 02:07:50 am »
I wear new hearing aids. I don't wear them when riding. The wind noise and interference caused by the closeness of the helmet makes them annoying.

My hearing aids are blue tooth capable. I was told when I chose this brand that I would have issues with compatibility with my cell phone. I turned the pairing off because of the poor quality. I use them only as hearing aids. All manufacturers list compatibility on their websites.

General Discussion / Re: Picking up the Trans America from DC
« on: June 09, 2023, 06:38:21 pm »
follow the Atlantic coast route # 3 south from D.C to the intersection of the Trans Am outside of Richmond VA.

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / GPX data updates
« on: June 08, 2023, 03:45:41 pm »
In the past I purchased the Trans Am digital data set. There are new updates available. Do these new updates correspond with the latest maps. Many of my paper maps are outdated from when I rode in 2019. I will have to purchase the new paper maps. Am I able download the updates for free or do I have to repurchase the digital data to correspond with the new maps?

I was surprised when I rode the TA east to west in 2019, once into Eastern Colorado, was how often I was told to watch out for the meth-heads. One scared me so badly in the Newton Kansas town park, I packed up camp and moved to a very remote hidden corner where he would never find me If he tried.

As a side note... don't camp in the park in Newton if you want a good night sleep. The railroad yard is just around the corner and the noise never ends!

Routes / Re: Delmarva
« on: February 16, 2022, 07:14:19 pm »
I was able to make same day reservations at the NY state parks this summer without much problem with a one-night stay. If you book ahead a two-day minimum is required. The only qualifier was there had to be openings. Although, I found a call to the park's office usually resulted in a friendly manager telling me to ride in and they would find me a spot.

Routes / Re: Pittsburgh spur
« on: January 17, 2022, 04:51:47 pm »
The route was good. Out of Pittsburgh my route followed the ACA Pittsburgh spur northwest out of town, not bad if you don't mind urban decay. The first night out of Pittsburgh I stayed near Coraopolis. I had started that day in West Newton on the GAP Trail. 55 miles.
 Day 2 Followed Rt. 51 north on the west side of the Ohio River to the Monaca/Rochester Bridge to rt. 18 north to Willow Grove and to the Stavich Bike Trail eventually passing through Youngstown Ohio to Warren Ohio,75 miles.
 Day 3 I accessed the Western Reserve Greenway in Warren and pretty much followed that to Ashtabula Ohio,60 miles. The Western Reserve Greenway was easy riding. In Ashtabula I followed the ACA Northern tier to Buffalo. Total miles from Pittsburgh to Buffalo was just around 300 and I did it in 6 days.
As always practice caution riding in urban areas. Be careful following Google Maps, it's not always cyclist friendly. Camping options were very limited after Pittsburgh, I stayed in hotels.

Running water. Stops me all the time.

General Discussion / Re: C&O Trail
« on: September 13, 2021, 08:59:30 pm »
I just completed the C&O and GAP trail. I would not recommend riding a trike on the entire length of the trail. The early miles out of Georgetown would be suitable. Most of the trail is double track dirt. If you keep your rear wheel in the track your two front wheels would be in the grass, if one front wheel in the track your other two would be in the weeds. I remember reading in the guide book that trikes are not recommended to use the trail.

Good luck if you attempt riding the entire length. Hauling a trike up the detours would not be my idea of fun.

Routes / Re: Pittsburgh spur
« on: August 28, 2021, 10:47:52 pm »
Thank you for your reply. After reviewing the ACA route and your suggestions I have decided to heed your advice and head a little west to avoid some huge climbing miles.
The ACA route is 150 miles, the route through Ohio to Astabula to Erie is only 175 miles with a lot less climbing. Google maps takes me through New Castle, Youngstown, Oh and onto the Western Reserve Greenway and on to Astabula.
Wish me luck while I venture astray.

Routes / Pittsburgh spur
« on: August 25, 2021, 10:19:45 am »
I am currently riding the C+O/ GAP and will be approaching Pittsburgh in several days. My plan is to ride the Pittsburgh spur to Erie Pa. And on to Buffalo and the Erie Canal to Albany.

I have the gps track on my Garmin and the Bicycle Route Navigator app with that section on my phone. I realize it will be hilly. My question is does anyone have experience riding this section? How many days to Erie? Is it possible to complete in 3 days? Potential resupply points, lodging or camping options.

Any suggestions would be great.

 Route 140 in Ellington, CT, is closed between rt 83 and rt 30 for a bridge replacement until October of 2021.

North bound at mile 1.4 left on rt 83, do not follow rt 140 east, continue on rt 83 towards Somers Ct. right on 190 east. rejoin route at mile 10.4, enter roundabout and follow 190 east. route 190 can be a busy road and carry heavy truck traffic. Rt 190 has a wide shoulder and is nothing an experienced cyclist can't handle.

Northbound option at mile 1.4 follow rt 140 east. at the road block left on Webster Rd, right on E Porter Rd. becomes Boyer Rd., right on Burbank Rd., left on rt 140, Crystal Lake Rd. Follow the map mile 5.4 Crystal Lake. this route follows the main route and has a short detour on town roads that circumnavigate the road closure.

South bound at mile 13.1 enter roundabout bear right follow rt190. mile 13.4 do not follow rt 140, continue on rt 190 west, Follow 190 west to Somers Ct., Left on rt 83 . rejoin the route at mile 22.1, follow rt 140. route 190 can be a busy road and have heavy truck traffic.

southbound option to follow rtb140 at mile 13.4 Bear left on sr140, mile 18.1 Crystal Lake, cross rt 30 to stay on rt140, right on Burbank Rd, Left on Boyer Rd, becomes East Porter Rd, left on Webster Rd, left on rt 140 Crystal Lake Rd to rejoin the route. your next route map cue will be 22.1. Turn left then right on route 140.

If you need additional travel assistance in the area, please ask. I live in map panel 15, Melrose, CT.


Nice video, thanks for the memories. I was about 10 days ahead of you on my own cross country journey last summer.

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