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Messages - Symmachus

Pages: [1]
Thanks guys, very helpful advice. I’m taking a look at the Eastern Express TransAm route as recommended and I’m intrigued. It would be awesome to take advantage of the C&O, GAP and other trails available.

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General Discussion / Re: Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 22, 2019, 10:04:08 am »
Keith, thanks for the heads up on fender fit. I do have fenders on my Soma and will have to test fit the wheels with the new tires for evaluation. Hop they fit!

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Connecting ACA Routes / Looking for advice from Pittsburgh, west to TA.
« on: January 19, 2019, 01:49:58 pm »
I live in the DC area and wonder if it’s better to take the classic TA route from Yorktown west or ride the C&O canal and GAP trails to Pittsburgh and west to eventually link up with the TA in Missouri. Is there a bike friendly way to get there from Pittsburgh ? Thanks, bike gurus extraordinaire!

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General Discussion / Re: Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 19, 2019, 01:43:44 pm »
Thanks INGE and TCS. I’ve settled with Marathon Plus in 35c  I’ll let y’all know how they do on the long haul.

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General Discussion / Re: Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:22:20 pm »
Adventure Pdx, both John’s, Bbabe and everyone else, thanks so much for your input and I’ll go with your recommendations. It’s great to have bikin gurus to lay out the path to success. 

General Discussion / Re: Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 18, 2019, 04:05:20 pm »
Thanks, Can’t lose with Conti’s! I run a pair of Hardshells on my Soma Saga and nary a problem.

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General Discussion / Re: Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 18, 2019, 03:19:43 pm »
I’ve had success with 32’s on the C&O and GAP trails and currently have brand new 35 width Schwalbe Marathons but I initially thought that might be overkill on roads? On further reflection, I suppose a little more width over the long haul helps with comfort and durability and opposed to losing a smidgen of speed. Sound right to you? I appreciate your input:)

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General Discussion / Best tire width for TransAmerica (middle) route
« on: January 18, 2019, 02:30:55 pm »
Hi folks!
I’m gearing up for a cross-country shot this spring, via the classic middle TransAmerica route. I’ve done a lot of long tours but never the whole shebang. I’ve heard Schwalbe Marathon Plus are a good standard, tough as nails tire. I’m going self-contained, fully pannier-packed. What tire width do you suggest, that takes into consideration changing conditions across the country? Thanks:)

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