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Messages - bogiesan

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General Discussion / Re: dogs and security
« on: June 13, 2014, 08:50:10 pm »
Does anyone have troubles with chasing biting dogs and how do you deal with it? I'm looking for ideas to take with me this summer. I don't want to hurt the dog but all I have now is a form of acrobatics to keep the bike between me and the dog. Thanks

To heck with the dog. A dog that attacks might freakin' maim you or much worse. You owe the dog nothing. Your choice of defense depends on your need to survive. Sprays are dangerous because they deploy at the push of a button and  often end up hitting everyone and everything except the attacking animal but they're popular. Super loud whistles or horns can confuse, stun and deflect an attacking animal long enough for you to escape. Airzounds is a popular device, so are electronic horns, so are little freon horns for boating. The business end of these devices must be mounted where the blast will not hit your own ears.

Some folks carry firearms ostensibly for this kind of protection but that's another rather touchy topic and I'm not touching it.

Gear Talk / Re: Roadside repair knowledge list?
« on: May 31, 2014, 12:19:34 am »
Mr Nelson has provided a nice list. There are books and web sites that offer complete lists and solutions and suggestions. Just takes a bit of research. Nelson's list can be divided into stuff you need to be able to do to repair your bike so you can keep riding (or limp into the next town for serious professional help) and stuff you need to do just to keep it running well. Suggest you talk to your local bike shops, REI and bike coops to see who might be offering basic and advanced bike maintenance and repair classes or workshops. Knowing how to use your chain tool is far different from having a chain tool in your tool bag. Plus, there are realistic limits to what you can haul along when it comes to spare parts and specialized tools. Carrying the equipment to straighten a bent rear deraileur hanger is one thing; carrying tools and parts to service your rear cassette and hub is quite another.
On a multi-hundred mile trip your bike will need some interesting attention but don't neglect knowing how to care for and repair your camping systems, too. Stove parts, tent pole sleeves, zipper repair, shoe laces, all that stuff. BAckpacking skills classes help build your confidence.

Hoping you have spectacular trip.

I'm a Remax agent & I would like some biking clothes. Any suggestions?

There are dozens of companies that will use dye sublimation to splash your logo, name, birthday, phone, and gym locker combo on any style of jersey or bike jacket. If you just want it embroidered, the number of providers approaches infinity.

Gear Talk / Re: Parrafin heads only
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:12:02 pm »
I do not wish to start the lube war. Parrafin has been researched into the dirt for decades and most that information, real data, not anecdotal stuff, is on the interwebs. The anaecdotes include stories from fire fighters describing the scourge of parrafin heads. They'd melt their waxes over an open flame in the garage or shed, not realizing parrafin is a petroleum product and flammable, slosh the pan around and burn the place to the ground. Apprently happened quite often.

I'm not starting the lube wars by saying I do not use a lube. I run a dry chain on my recumbent. I'm almost five thousand miles into the new links and the old chain had more than 12,000 miles, if I recall correctly, without looking up my maintenance notes. "Dry" means spotlessly clean, no dirt, no rust. I rode in the rain today so I shall clean it off in the morning before hitting the commute.

Rocky Mountain / Re: Ride Idaho 2014, tenth anniversay
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:52:23 pm »
Still plenty of room at Ride Idaho!
Apparently bike tours are filling slowly all over the northwest. Even Cycle Oregon, which can sell out in hours, is still open,

Gear Talk / Re: Fixing a shimano shifter.....
« on: April 12, 2014, 01:34:41 am »
thanks bogiesan, i had no idea they were getting rare! 

Difficulty in finding old parts is relative to the market you're in. Here in Boise, Idaho, there's an urban bike center that has bins full of weird parts. Eight-speed transmissions went out of style and production about twenty years ago. It's been 9, 10 and now 11 for a long time. Y

Comfort? Upright?
Look at recumbents. Heads up, high def cycling. Designed with the behind in mind.
Fortunately for me, it takes a certain kind individual who has the courage and will take the opportunity to test ride a loaded recumbent.
I don't think that two people coming here on a tight schedule for a long trip without any previous recumbent experience should use this opportunity to find out if a recumbent is for them.   

I do. I have no problem recommending a high quality recumbent to anyone for any trip. The idea that any particular upright can be "ridden into over the first few weeks" is the same kind of misperception. Fit and components on a new bike are going to be a problem for anyone. You put 'em on a bike like the Tour Easy and in the same hundred miles or so they'll be loving it and wondering why they didn't get one tens of thousands of miles ago.

General Discussion / Re: Low Carb and Long Distance Touring
« on: April 02, 2014, 10:53:05 pm »
iwstamp -
As a competitive athlete for the past 40 years plus the riding, the optimal fuel mix for athletes as been (40 % (carbs), 30% (pro) and 30% (fat).  The study was done on world class aerobic swimmers.

Ah, Barry Sears, PhD: The Zone. Fascinating stuff. Tweak that to ready 40% low glycemic carbs; 30% low fat, high quality proteins; and 30% good-for-you fats. A Zone nutrition plan (not a diet) confronts the participant (not the dieter) with mountains of delicious and wholesome foods. Hard to get it all down but there's a wide variety of superb meals available easily assembled form a huge list of acceptable and readily available ingredients.

Much of Sears' research and findings are being repackaged these days. Science and biology, of course, have marched on and there are new theories all the time. Pick a guru and test your nutrition plan for several months before you attempt to ride across the country. Stay flexible. Be adaptable. Try to make foods that allow you to enjoy what you must eat.

General Discussion / Re: Weight training and cycling
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:37:56 pm »
The interwebs will reveal numerous and contradictory articles and claims. Most programs are designed for competitive riders and therefore based on off-season maintenance and no small amount of ignorance so take what you know about resistance training and balance it against what you know about cycling. Weight training that results in pain is usually designed to build muscle. That's not at all necessary for cycling. You don't need muscle mass, you need efficiency. Ride more. Wall squats are my favorite.

Gear Talk / Re: Handlebar bag alternative
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:25:13 pm »
Velo Orange is a good shop to check for the unhip and unusual packs and racks.

Gear Talk / Re: Fixing a shimano shifter.....
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:20:50 pm »
A quick search turned up about what I expected: most mechanics will not attempt to repair these things, they're just too complicated on the inside. A replacement unit can be found new from $25 and used from free to $10. A word of caution, 8-speed shifters are getting rare. If you find a set, might as well buy two pairs if you're thinking you are going to keep this transmission for ten or more years.

General Discussion / Re: Tools for adventure
« on: March 26, 2014, 10:46:03 pm »
Take what you need, not what you want.
Know how to use your tools. Lots of people carry a chain tool and have no idea how it works.
Practice for rain by changing the rear tube with a yard sprinkler spraying you.
A pair of neoprene gloves makes working in rain or cold almost easy.
A headlamp can be handy.

Gear Talk / Re: Schmidt Dynamos for charging batteries… HELP!
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:00:54 pm »
There is a point of diminishing returns when the mass of the generator and the effort, however slight, to spin it and the cost of the devices overcome carrying spare batteries.
There are many other ways to charge camera and phone/tablet batteries including solar and thermocouples and using an auxiliary large capacity battery that is recharged as possible but provides charging current for smaller devices. Again, add the mass/cost/hassle and you can throw up your hands in despair.

Yeah, all of those weird experiences fall under the commonly used phrase, "Making Memories."

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