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Messages - billstewartx

Pages: [1]
Hello Staff,

Does Adventure Cycling have any plans firmed up for a 2026 reunion event?
A date/ location that i can mark in my calendar book?
its only 3 years away, after all...

if i can get a Date, I can plan accordingly!
I am assuming it will be in Missoula, like the 40th.


Bikecentennial / Trans Am ride in 2026?? 50th anniversary ..!!
« on: July 25, 2021, 08:11:08 pm »
Hello All,

Is there any appetite for another ride across America in 2026?

My memory is that 2000 people did it in 1976 ...
so if we can get 50 or so to do it again, that would be great!

Anybody in??!?


I rode East to West last time

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